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[. . . ] Your machine will be delivered with the timer for switching to Low Power Mode from the last copy/print out, set at 15 minutes. The time to switch to power save (auto off/ sleep) mode is set at 60 minutes from the last copy/print out. Fax Send Header Requirements: The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 makes it unlawful for any person to use a computer or other electronic device, including FAX machines, to send any message unless such message clearly contains in a margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted page or on the first page of the transmission, the date and time it is sent and an identification of the business or other entity, or other individual sending the message and the telephone number of the sending machine or such business, other entity, or individual. [. . . ] This type of fax travels over normal telephone lines and will therefore be charged at telephone rates. This type of fax travels over normal telephone lines and will therefore be charged at telephone rates. Send List Used to send a fax to multiple destinations. For additional pause time, add multiple pauses. For charge code numbers, enter a pause after the fax number but before the charge code number. Time, but does not produce the best image quality for graphics and photos. SuperFine 600 x 600 dpi - Recommended for photos and halftones, or images that have gray It requires more communication time, but produces the best image quality. 1 Sided Use this option for originals that are printed on one side only. The date and time the fax was sent · The date and time the fax was sent · Use Delayed Send to specify a time at which to send a fax. The time can be set between 15 minutes and 23 hours 59 minutes. If sending a fax job that has the same destination as a job already held as a Delayed Send job, a pop-up window will be displayed on the touch screen asking you whether to send your fax now or add it to the job being sent at a later time. NOTE: The storage time for faxes is set up by your System Administrator. Store to Mailbox Allows users to scan and store fax documents for polling. Send to a Allows you to send a fax document directly to an individual's private mailbox on a Remote Mailbox remote machine. Offers advanced features which enable you to transmit large, complex jobs; scan and store fax jobs for retrieval by another fax machine, or poll another fax machine. Polling enables you to store fax documents into the machine's memory for retrieval by another remote fax machine, or poll a remote fax machine or mailbox. [. . . ] 1 Sided Use this option for originals that are printed on 1 side only. Produce the best image quality for photos and graphics. 300x300x1 Recommended for use with high quality text documents, that are destined to pass 600x600x1 Recommended for use with high quality photos and graphics. [. . . ]
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