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Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.
[. . . ] Select Head to Toe for two-sided, head-to-toe output, as for calendars. Head to Head for two-sided, head-to-head output, as for books. Head to Toe for two-sided, head-to-toe output, as for calendars. For example, if Variable Erase is set to 30mm, a 50% reduction will result in 15mm of border erase on the output. [. . . ] Set the desired features for the job and press Start. If you want to output secure prints, set the User ID and password for Print Type in the Configuration tab. Set the time that you want Delayed Print to be carried out. If you want to output secure prints, set the User ID and password for Print Type in the Configuration tab. Set the time that you want Delayed Print to be carried out. As it takes time to convert print data, the processing time is extended. If you want to output secure prints, set the User ID and password for Print Type in the Configuration tab. Set the time that you want Delayed Print to be carried out. As it takes time to convert print data, the processing time is extended. Select the type of the paper set in the bypass tray. The possible feature combinations when Black for Output Color and High Speed for Print Mode have been selected: The possible feature combinations when Black for Output Color and Standard for Print Mode have been selected: The possible feature combinations when Black for Output Color and High Quality for Print Mode have been selected: The possible feature combinations when Auto for Output Color and High Speed for Print Mode have been selected: The possible feature combinations when Auto for Output Color and Standard for Print Mode have been selected: The possible feature combinations when Auto for Output Color and High Quality for Print Mode have been selected: For Color Temperature/Gamma Correction, you can specify the appropriate Color Temperature and Gamma Correction for all elements of a document. The defaults are: 2 for the 2nd button from the top, 4 for the 3rd button, and 7 for the 4th button. Set the default for Mixed Size Originals on the Scan Options screen in Scan mode. Set the default for the top and bottom Border Erase amounts. Set the default for the left and right Border Erase amounts. Set the default for Original Type on the Image Quality/File Format screen in Scan mode. Set the default for Lighter/Darker in Lighter/Darker/Contrast on the Image Quality/File Format screen in Scan mode. Set the contrast for the document to be scanned. Set the default for Auto Exposure on the Image Quality/File Format screen in Scan mode. Set the sizes displayed on the Scan Size screen under the Scan Options tab. , 8K, 16K SEF, 16K LEF Setting ranges are: 15 ~ 432 mm for X direction, 15 ~ 297 mm for Y direction in 1mm increments The defaults are as follows. Set the sizes displayed for Output Size when selecting Auto % in Reduce/Enlarge on the Scan Options screen in Scan mode. [. . . ] Set the maximum number of stored pages for scanning. Set the default for the density assigned to Lighter ~ Darker in Lighter/Darker/Contrast on the Image Quality/File Format screen in Scan mode. Set the default density assigned to Lower ~ Higher for Contrast in Lighter/Darker/Contrast on the Image Quality screen. Resets the Total Pages Printed for Color and B/W for each account to 0. [. . . ]
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