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[. . . ] ) The country location, telephone number identifying the machine, the header text information (business name), the send and receive behavior and dial type must be entered when installing the Embedded Fax kit option. Refer to the System Administration CD (CD1) for further information on installing Embedded Fax and the Training and Information CD (CD2) for information about the Transmit Header Print feature. WARNING:Ask your local telephone company for the modular jack type installed on your line. Obligations or Securities of the United States Government, such as: Certificates of Indebtedness Coupons from Bonds Silver Certificates United States Bonds Federal Reserve Notes Certificates of Deposit National Bank currency Federal Reserve Bank Notes Gold Certificates Treasure Notes Fractional Notes Paper money Bonds and obligations of certain agencies of the government, such as FHA Bonds (US Savings Bonds may be photographed only for publicity purposes in connection with the campaign for the sale of such bonds. [. . . ] Server Fax Enables users to send and receive hard copy faxes on a machine without a dedicated telephone line via a third party fax server. Internet Fax Allows users to send or receive faxes over the internet or intranet. Network Enables the tracking of machine usage for print, copy and scan jobs from multiple Accounting machines over the network. image A security option which provides On Demand Image Overwrite and Immediate Overwrite Image Overwrite features. Both features offer customers the ability to overwrite the Security machine's hard disk to protect classified or private information. NOTE: Both Embedded and Server Fax can be installed on the WorkCentre Pro at the same time, however only one service can be enabled for use. NOTE: Both Embedded and Server Fax can be installed on the WorkCentre Pro at the same time, however only one service can be enabled for use. Hold your documents and place them into bin 1, for extra support move the rear bin 1 guide to the edge of your documents. The quantity can only be set to one for this feature. It is ideal for creating handouts, storyboards or documents used for archival purposes. HINT: This option is useful for saving toner (dry ink) consumption for images with a dark background and white text. Group Use this option to set up a group of directory locations under one number. Group Dial Directory means that you only have to enter one group number to send to multiple destinations. Indicates that an identifier for a previously set up group is about to be entered. Time, but does not produce the best image quality for graphics and photos. 1 Sided Use this option for originals that are printed on 1 side only. Use Delayed Send to specify a time, within the next 24 hours, at which to send a fax. this feature can be used to transmit faxes during off-peak hours or is useful when sending to another country or time zone. The time to send is added to the job information sent to the fax server with the scanned image. This type of fax travels over the internet or intranet. For example, the LDAP server can return a search query "And" as "Andrew Smith" when the result "Andrews, James" may have been expected. 1 Sided Use this option for originals that are printed on 1 side only. [. . . ] 1 Sided Use this option for originals that are printed on 1 side only. Produce the best image quality for photos and graphics. 300x300 Recommended for use with high quality text documents that are destined to pass (Superfine) through Optical Character Recognition (OCR) applications. 600x600 (Non- Recommended for use with high quality photos and graphics. [. . . ]
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