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[. . . ] TCP/IP Peer to Peer (LPR) Printing NetBEUI Peer to Peer Printing NetBIOS over IP Peer to Peer Printing NetBIOS over IP Client/Server Printing IPP Printing (Windows 2000) NetWare 3. For smaller networks, the Windows default values for Subnet Mask and Default Gateway may be applicable. Select Browse to search for the printer over the network. Select Browse to search for the printer's Workgroup over the Microsoft network. [. . . ] Select Browse to search for the printer's Workgroup over the Microsoft network. Click Details, check the box for Print Services for Unix, and click OK and Next. Select Browse to search for the printer's Server over the Microsoft network. Select Browse to search for the printer's Server over the Microsoft network. Note: If the Microsoft Client for NetWare is NOT loaded, click the Add button, select the Microsoft Client Service (or Microsoft Network Service) for NetWare from the available list and click OK. 95/98/Me) to verify that the Novell Client for NetWare (such as IntranetWare Client for Windows NT or Novell Client 32) is loaded. For NetWare NDS (NetWare Directory Services), type a directory tree and context (typeful name for the Printer in the NDS environment). TCP/IP Peer to Peer (LPR) Printing D1 NetBEUI Peer to Peer Printing D6 NetBIOS over IP Peer to Peer Printing D7 NetBIOS over IP Client/Server Printing D4 IPP Printing (Windows 2000) D13 NetWare 3. For smaller networks, the Windows default values for Subnet Mask and Default Gateway may be applicable. Select Browse to search for the printer over the network. For Windows 95/98/Me, verify that you have properly installed an LPR Print Utility (spooler) on the workstation and that it is currently running. Use category 3 UTP patch (NOT crossover) cable for 10 Base T communications, category 5 UTP patch (NOT crossover) cable for 10 Base T / 100 Base TX communications, and Token Ring cabling for Token Ring networks. Use category 3 UTP patch (NOT crossover) cable for 10 Base T communications, category 5 UTP patch (NOT crossover) cable for 10 Base T / 100 Base TX communications, and Token Ring cabling for Token Ring networks. Use category 3 UTP patch (NOT crossover) cable for 10 Base T communications, category 5 UTP patch (NOT crossover) cable for 10 Base T / 100 Base TX communications, and Token Ring cabling for Token Ring networks. Use category 3 UTP patch (NOT crossover) cable for 10 Base T communications, category 5 UTP patch (NOT crossover) cable for 10 Base T / 100 Base TX communications, and Token Ring cabling for Token Ring networks. Under the NetWare data label, if a Mode is shown make sure that it is set to Bindery. if it is NOT , enable NetWare following the instructions supplied in the Novell NetWare 3. Under the NetWare data label, verify that you have a Primary Server name displayed. Under the NetWare data label, determine if the IPX Frame Type is set for Auto sensing (the factory default). Note: If the Microsoft Client for NetWare is NOT installed, click the Add button, select the Microsoft Client Service (or Microsoft Network Service) for NetWare from the available list and click OK. [. . . ] Note: If the Microsoft Client for NetWare is NOT installed, click the Add button, select the Microsoft Client Service (or Microsoft Network Service) for NetWare from the available list and click OK. To correct the incorrectly shown entry for Print Queue, type in RHINO2_Q in place of FHINO2_Q. Use category 3 UTP patch (NOT crossover) cable for 10 Base T communications, category 5 UTP patch (NOT crossover) cable for 10 Base T / 100 Base TX communications, and Token Ring cabling for Token Ring networks. Under the NetWare data label, if a Mode is shown make sure that it is set to Directory (NDS). [. . . ]
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