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VOLTA U6205 (230 ko)
Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning VOLTA U6205
Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.
[. . . ] : to select the desired
DELAY TIMER button: press to set a delayed start for the selected wash cycle; the delay period appears on the display. [. . . ] CHILD LOCK button : to activate the control panel lock, press and hold the button for approximately 2 seconds. To deactivate the control panel lock, press and hold the button for approximately 2 seconds. The duration of the available wash cycles and the remaining time of a running cycle appear; if the DELAY TIMER option has been set, the countdown to the start of the selected wash cycle will appear. Pressing the corresponding button allows you to view the maximum spin speed and temperature values attained by the machine during the set wash cycle, or the values selected most recently, if these are compatible with the set wash cycle. These innovative Eco programmes (Cottons 12, Synthetics 13 and Fast Wash 30â 14) are available for various fabrics and different quantity of garment; they have been designed to guarantee a high cleaning action even at low temperature and can be used for lightly to medium soiled loads. Eco Cycles give the best results thanks to an intensified wash action, water optimization and are carried out in the same average time of a standard cycle. For the best washing results with Eco Cycles we recommend the usage of a liquid detergent. Compartment 2: Detergent for the wash cycle (powder or liquid) If liquid detergent is used, it is recommended that the removable plastic partition A (supplied) be used for proper dosage. [. . . ] Compartment 2: Detergent for the wash cycle (powder or liquid) If liquid detergent is used, it is recommended that the removable plastic partition A (supplied) be used for proper dosage. [. . . ]
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