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Hvis denne bruksanvisning, instruksjon eller skjema er det du leter etter, så last den ned nå. Lastmanuals gir deg en rask og enkel tilgang til bruksanvisninger for SILVERCREST SFB 10.1 B2 Vi håper at bruksanvisningen for SILVERCREST SFB 10.1 B2 er til hjelp for deg.
Lastmanuals hjelper deg og laste ned bruksanvisning SILVERCREST SFB 10.1 B2.
Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.
[. . . ] W switch the device on/off; press and hold To for a few seconds to switch all devices on/off. You can, for example, also save the code for the video recorder on the TV slot. [. . . ] With the ïµ or ï¶ button t select the minute number for the present time of day and press the OK button l to save. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. In the LCD display q now blinks the second count for the length of time that the light is to be left on which you can set with the ïµ ï¶ buttons t from 0 to 60. Setting the global volume/mute switching
So that you donât always have to first press a device button for the volume control and mute switching, for these functions the URC always only responds to an individual device. Hold the S button r down for a little longer than 3 seconds. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. Now, below to the right in the LCD display q blinks the minutes for the remaining time of the selected device. [. . . ] >> Whilst you hold down one of the device buttons e the active code for this device will be superimposed below to the right in the LCD display q. For this, press and hold the ALL OFF button w for a few seconds. [. . . ]
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