Bruker manual SIEMENS IRON TB 22...

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[. . . ] This is not dangerous u After a time, the charge capacity of the battery will decrease for technical reasons Please note Registering the handset Handsets contained in the package have already been registered to the base. These keys are required for operation: u Time and date u Display language u Answer machine language (S820A only) u Country in which the phone will be used u Your own area code Note: some fields will not be displayed if your handset is registered with a base that has already been configured. Time 15:30 L Time Format Setting the time format 12 hrs 24 hrs The time format setting is indicated by . [. . . ] 2012 Date Order Setting the date order Day Month Year Month Day Year The date order setting is indicated by . The setting is saved automatically You return to the Welcome page Welcome Display Language Setting the answer machine language English AM Phrase Language Touch the AM Phrase Language field Set the answer machine language as described above Setting the country The country in which you are going to use the phone and for which it is authorised must be indicated under Country. Press Country (Dial Code) and enter the International Prefix and International Area Code for the international country code as described below for the local area code da en fi no sv 11 Gigaset S820/S820A QUG / IM-Nord en / A31008-M2404-R201-1-SM43 / starting. Set your telephone so that it does not ring when you receive an undesired call. For further information see the user guides for these handsets. Download your personal ring tones and images to your handset Connect your handset to your PC via Bluetooth/USB and download ring tones and images to your handset with the help of our Gigaset QuickSync software. Fm / 9/4/12 Display icons Display icons Options bar icons The following functions are available in the options bar depending on the operating situation: Icon ?2012 Select entry and - Add number: touch Add Or: Or: - Overwrite number: select corresponding number Touch Yes SMS (text messages) Your device is supplied ready for you to send text messages immediately. You have the following options: Press c: call the sender of the SMS : delete SMS Options Reply: write and send an SMS to the sender Edit: change the SMS text and send it to a recipient Save Number: store the number in the contacts Touch the sender or highlighted number in the message text: Call the number or save in the contacts. Menu key v }Calendar Set the month using f / g Touch the desired day New Entry 30 The Text, Time, Reminder (you can set a reminder for up to one week in advance of the appointment) and Sound Signal are logged for each appointment. touch Save da en fi no sv Gigaset S820/S820A QUG / IM-Nord en / A31008-M2404-R201-1-SM43 / telefony. Fm / 9/4/12 Alarm Setting the tones and volumes of the reminder signal Menu key v menu page Settings Audio Settings Reminder Signal Set the volume using / or set increasing volume using the switch next to Crescendo Sound Select the ring tone Touch ?to go back Showing/deleting stored appointments Menu key v }Calendar Touch the desired day to display the appointments list Touch the desired appointment Delete appointment or select, edit and save the entry. Delete all missed appointments: Menu key v menu page Settings ʠSystem Clean-up List Appointments Delete all past appointments Touch Yes to confirm Alarm Menu key v Alarm on/off Touch Nto change the settings for the alarm: - Time Set the hour and minutes for the wake-up time (time setting page 10) - Active Days Set the days when you want the alarm to ring - Sound Select a ring tone for the wake-up call Touch Save and confirm the security prompt A wake-up call is signalled in the display and with the selected ring tone for a maximum of 60seconds. [. . . ] to go back Showing/deleting stored appointments Menu key v }Calendar Touch the desired day to display the appointments list Touch the desired appointment Delete appointment or select, edit and save the entry. Delete all missed appointments: Menu key v menu page Settings ʠSystem Clean-up List Appointments Delete all past appointments Touch Yes to confirm Alarm Menu key v Alarm on/off Touch Nto change the settings for the alarm: - Time Set the hour and minutes for the wake-up time (time setting page 10) - Active Days Set the days when you want the alarm to ring - Sound Select a ring tone for the wake-up call Touch Save and confirm the security prompt A wake-up call is signalled in the display and with the selected ring tone for a maximum of 60seconds. Activating/deactivating Bluetooth mode Menu key v menu page Settings Bluetooth Activation on/off You can activate/deactivate Bluetooth mode using the status page (enclosed poster) or via Activation Search for Devices Known Devices Name Bluetooth on Searching for and pairing Bluetooth devices Starting the search Start the search via Search for Devices in the Bluetooth sub-menu Pairing the device ? [. . . ]


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