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Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning SHIMANO FH-6700TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] SI-3DV0A-002-00 General Safety Information WARNING · Check that the wheels are fastened securely before riding the bicycle. If the wheels are loose in any way, they may come off the bicycle and serious injury may result. [. . . ] Other chains cannot be used as the sizes do not match. · An 11T and a 12T lock ring are available for use with the CS-6600/CS-6700. Use whichever lock ring matches the sprocket configuration. · If the wheel becomes stiff and difficult to turn, you should lubricate it with grease. · Do not apply any oil to the inside of the hub, otherwise the grease will come out. · You should periodically wash the sprockets in a neutral detergent and then lubricate them again. In addition, cleaning the chain with neutral detergent and lubricating it can be a effective way of extending the useful life of the sprockets and the chain. · If the chain keeps coming off the sprockets during use, replace the sprockets and the chain. · Parts are not guaranteed against natural wear or deterioration resulting from normal use. · For maximum performance we highly recommend Shimano lubricants and maintenance products. The groove is wide at one place only. Lock ring spacer Lock ring · For installation of the HG sprockets, use the special tool (TL-LR15/LR10) to tighten the lock ring. · To replace the HG sprockets, use the special tool (TL-LR15/LR10) and TL-SR21 to remove the lock ring. Lock ring Tightening torque: 30 - 50 N·m {261 - 434 in. lbs. } TL-LR15/LR10 Tool (TL-SR21) Disassembly Technical Service Instructions SI-3DV0A-002 Freehub FH-6700 Specifications Freehub Model No. [. . . ] Phone: +1-949-951-5003 Lip is on the outside Tightening torque: 35 - 50 N·m {305 - 434 in. lbs. } Industrieweg 24, 8071 CT Nunspeet, The Netherlands Phone: +31-341-272222 3-77 Oimatsu-cho, Sakai-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka 590-8577, Japan * Service Instructions in further languages are available at : http://techdocs. shimano. com Please note: specifications are subject to change for improvement without notice. [. . . ]


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