Bruker manual SANUS BFV145

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Mode d'emploi SANUS BFV145
Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning SANUS BFV145

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] The pizza mode is ideal for foods which need high temperatures to cook, like pizza and large roasts. This cooking mode is ideal for au gratin dishes or those which require an extended cooking time like lasagne etc. [. . . ] This cooking mode is ideal for au gratin dishes or those which require an extended cooking time like lasagne etc. The grill is also highly recommended for dishes that require high temperature on the surface: beef steaks, veal, entrecôte, filets, hamburger etc. 18 The electronic cooking programmer This feature allows you to program the oven or the grill as follows : • delayed start for a specific length of time; • immediate start for a specific length of time; • timer. Button Functions: : timer - hours and minutes; : cooking time; : end cooking time; : set cooking time - backward; : set cooking time - forward. After the button has been released, the current time will be displayed after approximately 4 seconds: A The letter "A" will light up reminding you that the length and end cooking time were programmed in automatic mode. At any time during the cooking process, the length of the cooking time can be displayed by pressing the button, and the end cooking time by pressing the button. To prevent fat and grease from dripping onto the bottom of the oven, place the dripping-pan beneath the rack used for grilling. Cooking Pizza For best results when cooking pizza, use setting 3 “The Pizza Oven”: • Preheat the oven for at least 15 minutes; • Use a light aluminium pizza pan, placing it on the broiler supplied with the oven. If the dripping-pan is used, this will extend the cooking time, making it difficult to get a crispy crust; • Do not open the oven door frequently while the pizza is cooking; • If the pizza has a lot of toppings (three of four), it is recommended that the mozzarella cheese be placed on top halfway through the cooking process. For red meat that should be well done on the outside while tender and juicy in the inside, it is a good idea to start with a high temperature setting (200°C-220°C) for a short time, then turn the oven down afterwards. Instructions for using the pyroceramic top To obtain the best results from your hob, there are some basic rules to follow when cooking or preparing food. Stainless steel may become marked if it comes into contact with very hard water or harsh detergents (containing phosphorous) for long periods of time. [. . . ] For red meat that should be well done on the outside while tender and juicy in the inside, it is a good idea to start with a high temperature setting (200°C-220°C) for a short time, then turn the oven down afterwards. Instructions for using the pyroceramic top To obtain the best results from your hob, there are some basic rules to follow when cooking or preparing food. [. . . ]


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