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Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.
[. . . ] Unplug the oven when it is not being used for long periods of time or during a thunder/lightning storm. Boil over cause smoking and greasy spillovers that may ignite and spread if the vent fan is operating. [. . . ] Boil over cause smoking and greasy spillovers that may ignite and spread if the vent fan is operating. Indb 6 2012-10-09 3:36:32
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Checking the parts Warranty and service information Setting up your microwave oven Checking the control panel Turning on the power for the first time Setting the time Child Lock My Settings
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General microwave tips Cooking meat Cooking poultry Cooking seafood Cooking eggs Cooking vegetables Recipes
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Kitchen Timer button Add 30 sec. For example, if the current time is 5:00, press 5, 0, 0. Use the number buttons to set the length of time you want the timer to run. For example, press it twice to cook it for one minute, and then press the Enter/Start button to start cooking. By actually sensing the humidity that escapes as the food is heated, the oven’s heating time is automatically adjusted depending on the type and amount of precooked food. Fat and oil can suddenly boil over and cause severe burns. Freezer bags
Cooking techniques
If the oven is set to cook for more than 25 minutes, it will automatically adjust to 70 percent power after 25 minutes to avoid overcooking. For 170 °F - Well Done Power Level: High (10) for first 5 minutes, then Medium (5). (The standing time refers to the time necessary for dense, large foods and vegetables to finish cooking after they come out of the oven. Cleaning under your microwave oven
Regularly clean grease and dust from the bottom of your microwave using a solution of warm water and detergent. STORING AND REPAIRING YOUR MICROWAVE OVEN
If you need to store your microwave oven for a short or extended period of time, choose a dust-free, dry location. [. . . ] Cleaning under your microwave oven
Regularly clean grease and dust from the bottom of your microwave using a solution of warm water and detergent. STORING AND REPAIRING YOUR MICROWAVE OVEN
If you need to store your microwave oven for a short or extended period of time, choose a dust-free, dry location. [. . . ]
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