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   SAMSUNG SM-P600 (65526 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning SAMSUNG SM-P600SAFETY GUIDE

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[. . . ] €¢ Place the 3D video screen at eye level for the best 3D picture. Indd 6 2012-02-08 오후 6:57:17 36 36 36 38 38 38 38 39 Controlling Video Playback Using the Tools Menu Buttons on the Remote Control used for Video Playback Appendix 46 47 47 48 50 52 53 Compliance and Compatibility Notice Copy Protection Licence Network Service Disclaimer Additional Information Resolution according to the contents type Digital Output Selection Contents 38 Controlling Music Playback Using the Tools Menu Buttons on the Remote Control used for Music Playback Repeating Tracks on an Audio CD Shuffling Tracks on an Audio CD Creating a Playlist from a CD 50 Note 39 Ripping 40 40 40 54 57 Playing Photo Contents Using the Tools Menu when a file is highlighted Using the Tools Menu 56 Repairs Troubleshooting Specifications Network Services 43 43 44 Using Smart Hub BD-LIVE™ Smart Hub at a Glance 45 Using the Web Browser English 7| 02235J-SM-P600, 6000E-EN-ENG. [. . . ] 11n mode and set the Encryption type on your router or router to WEP, TKIP or TKIP-AES (WPS2Mixed), the player will not support a connection in compliance with new Wi-Fi certification specifications. The Initial Settings Procedure lets you set the OSD and menu languages, configure the connection to your home network, choose the aspect ratio output (screen size and format) that is correct for your TV, and apply an upgrade to your player's software, if one is available. Resolution Movie Frame (24Fs) If the player is connected to a 24Fs compatible TV, setting the Movie Frame (24Fs) feature to Auto lets the player adjust its HDMI output to 24 frames per second automatically for improved picture quality. Lets you set the colour space format for the HDMI output so that it matches the capabilities of the connected device (TV, monitor, etc). After you have accessed the security function for the first time, change the PIN using the Change PIN function. Press and hold the @ button on the front panel for 5 seconds or more. Furthermore, BD-ROM Mark and BD+ are additionally used as content protection system for Blu-ray Disc format, which imposes certain restrictions including playback restrictions for BD-ROM Mark and/or BD+ protected contents. €¢ Manufactured under licence under U. €¢ Depending on the content and the position of the picture on your TV screen, you may see vertical black bars on the left side, right side, or both sides. \\ If the screen stays blank after you have changed the resolution, remove all discs, and then press and hold the @ button on the front of the player for more than 5 seconds. €¢ Remove the batteries and hold down one or more buttons for several minutes to drain the microprocessor inside the remote control to reset it. 07/min) 02-201-24-18 05 133 1999 07001 33 11 062 SAMSUNG (062 726 7864) 800 - SAMSUNG (800-726786) 70 70 19 70 030 - 6227 515 01 48 63 00 00 01805 - SAMSUNG(726-7864 € 0, 14/Min) 8009 4000 only from landline 80111-SAMSUNG (80111 726 7864) only from land line (+30) 210 6897691 from mobile and land line 06-80-SAMSUNG(726-7864) 800-SAMSUNG(726-7864) +381 0113216899 261 03 710 023 207 777 020 405 888 Contact Centre  www. [. . . ] 07/min) 02-201-24-18 05 133 1999 07001 33 11 062 SAMSUNG (062 726 7864) 800 - SAMSUNG (800-726786) 70 70 19 70 030 - 6227 515 01 48 63 00 00 01805 - SAMSUNG(726-7864 € 0, 14/Min) 8009 4000 only from landline 80111-SAMSUNG (80111 726 7864) only from land line (+30) 210 6897691 from mobile and land line 06-80-SAMSUNG(726-7864) 800-SAMSUNG(726-7864) +381 0113216899 261 03 710 023 207 777 020 405 888 Contact Centre  www. Per sospendere la slide show, premere una volta il tasto v. [. . . ]


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