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Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] Activating/deactivating the keypad lock . Illustration of operating steps in the user guide . 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 30 31 32 Using the directory and lists . 33 Configuring fast access for the network mailbox . [. . . ] The name is displayed for anniversaries, while the entered text is displayed for appointments along with the date and time. v Calendar r/ q Editing individual appointments Select the day in the graphic calendar and press the w control key. (Days on which appointments have already been saved are highlighted in orange in the calendar). You have the following options: View Select the display key and edit or confirm the entry. Or: Options Open the menu for editing, deleting and activating/deactivating. Meeting 03. 11. 08 Off 15:38 Deleting all appointments In the monthly view: Options Delete all appoint. OK Confirm the security prompt with Yes. All appointments are deleted. Version 4, 16. 09. 2005 35 Gigaset SL78H / IM2 en / A31008-M2058-R201-4-SM19 / registr_sett. fm / 19. 01. 2011 Setting the alarm clock Displaying missed appointments, anniversaries Missed appointments/anniversaries ( page 30) are displayed in the Missed Alarms list if: u You do not accept an appointment/anniversary. u The appointment/anniversary was signalled during a phone call. u The handset is deactivated at the time of the appointment/anniversary. The symbol n and the number of new entries are indicated in the display. The most recent entry is at the head of the list. If you deactivate then reactivate the handset, the room monitor remains activated. u You should always check the opera- Warning! tion of the room monitor before use. Check the connection if you are diverting the room monitor to an outside number. u When the function is switched on, the handset's operating time is considerably reduced. If necessary, place the handset in the charging cradle. This ensures that the battery does not run down. u Ideally the handset should be positioned 1 to 2 metres away from the baby. The microphone must be directed towards the baby. u The connection to which the room monitor is forwarded must not be blocked by an activated answering machine. Version 4, 16. 09. 2005 v Room Monitor Change multiple line input: Activation: Select On to activate. External number: Select the number from the directory (press display key ) or enter it directly. Internal number: Press the Change display key select handset or Call All, if all registered handsets are to be called OK. The destination number or the internal destination number is displayed in the idle display. [. . . ] The time required for this depends on the speed of your Internet connection. Your telephone display is switched off, and the messages key f and the speaker key d flash. Once the update is complete, your telephone automatically restarts. If the update procedure fails several times or you can no longer connect to the PC, proceed as follows: Close the "Gigaset QuickSync" program on the PC. [. . . ]


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