Bruker manual RYOBI STP1801CW SCHEMA 1

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Mode d'emploi RYOBI STP1801CW

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   RYOBI STP1801CW SCHEMA 2 (170 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning RYOBI STP1801CWSCHEMA 1

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] V i 08:00 07:15 14 Oct Current time ( page 14) Name of the handset Alarm switched on and wake-up time set ( page 39) INT 1 Current day and month ( page 14) ? 10 09 13 Setting the date and time . ? If you give your Gigaset to a third party, make sure you also give them the user guide. To open the battery cover, for instance to replace the batteries, insert a coin into the cavity on the left-hand side of the casing, then pull the battery cover in an upward direction. [. . . ] To open the battery cover, for instance to replace the batteries, insert a coin into the cavity on the left-hand side of the casing, then pull the battery cover in an upward direction. A message appears stating that the handset is searching for a base that is ready for registration. 2011 First steps Setting the date and time Set the date and time so that the correct date and time can be assigned to incoming calls, and so that the alarm can be used. Press the key below Time on the dis- Calls Time play screen to open the input field. (If you have already set the time and date, open the input field via the menu, page 25. Display in idle status Once the phone is registered and the time is set, the idle status is shown as in this example. , v for "press right on the control key" or w for "press the centre of the control key". Using the side keys Press the keys on the right of the handset to set the volume for the handset, ringtone, speaker, alarm, signalling of appointments and the headset depending on the situation. 44 Press and hold the left or right side of the Setting the display Setting the screensaver/slide show When in idle state, a picture or a slide show (all the pictures are displayed one after the other) from the Screensaver folder of the Resource Directory ( page 48) or the time can be displayed as a screensaver. 2011 Setting up the handset Changing the speaker/ earpiece volume You can set the loudspeaker volume for handfree mode and the earpiece volume to five different levels. Profile 1 The optimum setting for most connections and set as default. 2011 Setting up the handset You can set different ringtones for the following functions: u Int. Calls Activating/deactivating the ringtone for anonymous calls You can set your handset not to ring for calls where Calling Line Identification has been restricted (not answering machine). You can specify a time period when you do not want the telephone to ring, e. ? Additionally for external calls: Deactivating the ringtone permanently * Press and hold the star key. cent 8, 36 + IVA al minuto da telefono fisso della rete Telecom Italia senza scatto alla risposta mentre per le chiamate effettuate attraverso la rete di altri operatori fissi o mobili consultate le tariffe del vostro operatore) Jordan . [. . . ] You can specify a time period when you do not want the telephone to ring, e. ? Additionally for external calls: Deactivating the ringtone permanently * Press and hold the star key. cent 8, 36 + IVA al minuto da telefono fisso della rete Telecom Italia senza scatto alla risposta mentre per le chiamate effettuate attraverso la rete di altri operatori fissi o mobili consultate le tariffe del vostro operatore) Jordan . [. . . ]


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