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Hvis denne bruksanvisning, instruksjon eller skjema er det du leter etter, så last den ned nå. Lastmanuals gir deg en rask og enkel tilgang til bruksanvisninger for RYOBI RHP4120W-1 Vi håper at bruksanvisningen for RYOBI RHP4120W-1 er til hjelp for deg.
Lastmanuals hjelper deg og laste ned bruksanvisning RYOBI RHP4120W-1.
Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.
[. . . ] 5mm jack plug VGA VGA AUDIO VGA connection for a PC Audio input for the PC SCART socket HDMI connection for devices with HDMI output USB port for MP3 and JPEG playback
7. Switch off the LCD TV temporarily Operation of the TV set Operation of a satellite receiver Operation of a DVD recorder, DVD player Operation of a video recorder Operation of an audio device Programming of other devices Set previous TV programme Digital TV guide for television and radio programmes (depends on transmitter) Confirm selection in specific menus. [. . . ] Switch off the LCD TV temporarily Operation of the TV set Operation of a satellite receiver Operation of a DVD recorder, DVD player Operation of a video recorder Operation of an audio device Programming of other devices Set previous TV programme Digital TV guide for television and radio programmes (depends on transmitter) Confirm selection in specific menus. This device is not suitable for use as a data monitor for office workplaces. This device is solely intended for private use and not for industrial or commercial
use. This
device is not intended for use by people (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental abilities or by people who lack the experience or knowledge to use it, unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed on its use. Wear protective gloves to
recover all broken pieces and send them to your Service Centre for proper waste disposal. Skip Select the channel you would like to skip while scrolling through the channels using the buttons P+/- and then press the blue button [A-B]. Set the time by which the LCD TV will switch itself off automatically here. Here you can set the time after which the OSD menu will close automatically. If the station transmits special audio signals for the hearing impaired, you can set the setting to On to receive these signals. Using headphones to listen to a device at high volumes for an extended period can damage your hearing. [. . . ] If the station transmits special audio signals for the hearing impaired, you can set the setting to On to receive these signals. Using headphones to listen to a device at high volumes for an extended period can damage your hearing. [. . . ]
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