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SC2003/00, SC2003/11
English 6 Español 32 Português 60
SC2003/00, SC2003/11
Table of contents Introduction 7 Benefits 7 Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology for home use 7 Effective hair regrowth prevention for everyday smoothness 7 Gentle treatment, even on sensitive body areas 8 Cordless operation for maximum freedom and flexibility 8 Long-lasting battery for complete body and face treatment 8 No replacement parts needed, no hidden costs 8 How Philips’ Intense Pulsed Light technology works 8 Hair growth 8 Working principle 8 General description 9 Important 9 Danger 10 Warning 10 To prevent damage 10 Caution 11 Keep the following things in mind to avoid compromising the lifetime of your Philips Lumea Precision Plus: 11 For whom is Philips Lumea Precision Plus NOT suitable?: 12 Never use the appliance on the following areas: 12 Never use the appliance on sunburnt, recently tanned (last 48 hours) or fake-tanned skin: 12 13 Electromagnetic fields (EMF) Charging 13 13 Preparing for use 13 Preparing treatment areas Setting the light intensity 14 15 Recommended light intensities (1-5) Important 15 15 Tanning advice Using the appliance 16 16 Choosing the right attachment 16 First use and skin test Subsequent use 17 19 Guidelines for treatment Average treatment time 19 20 Intended treatment areas Using the appliance on the legs 20 20 Tip: White eye pencil Using the appliance in the bikini area 21 Using the appliance on the underarms 21 Using the appliance on the face (upper lip, chin, sideburns) 21
How to achieve optimal results Maintenance phase Possible side effects and skin reactions After use Cleaning and maintenance Storage Ordering accessories Replacement parts Environment Removing the rechargeable batteries Guarantee and service Technical specifications Troubleshooting Introduction Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips! [. . . ] If any of the following is true for you, then this appliance is not suitable for you to use!Charging Fully charge the batteries before you use the appliance for the first time and when the batteries are empty. 3 Check the appliance, especially the light exit window and attachment, for trapped hair, dust and fibres. The recommended light intensities table below helps you to establish the right light intensity 1 Consult the table below to determine which light intensities are most suitable for your skin and body hair colour and to check if this method is suitable for you (if it is not, this is indicated with x in the table). Using the appliance Check the recommended light intensities table in chapter ‘Preparing for use’, section ‘Setting the light intensity’ to determine which light intensities are most suitable for your skin and body hair colour. 4 Apply one flash at the lowest recommended intensity for your skin type (for instructions on how to release a flash, see steps 6 to 9 of section ‘Subsequent use’ in this chapter). 5 As long as it feels comfortable (not painful), increase the setting by one level within the recommended range for your skin type and apply one flash for each setting. do not apply more than one flash on the same spot. 6 After the skin test, wait for 24 hours and check your skin for any reaction. if your skin shows reactions , choose the highest setting that did not result in any skin reaction for subsequent use. [. . . ] If the socket is live but the appliance still does not charge, contact the Consumer Care Centre in your country, your Philips dealer or a Philips service centre. If the appliance still does not show light intensity 1, contact your Customer Care Centre, your Philips dealer or a Philips Service Centre. [. . . ]
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