Bruker manual PANASONIC TXL32GF12

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   PANASONIC TXL32GF12 (3684 ko)

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[. . . ] Rear of the TV 200 mm 200 mm Ɣ TY-WK3L2RW Screw for fixing the TV onto the wall-hanging bracket (not supplied with the TV) Depth of screw: minimum 9 mm, maximum 12 mm Holes for wall-hanging bracket installation (View from the side) WARNING!Holes for pedestal installation Arrow mark Foam mat or thick soft cloth 7 Accessories / Options Using the clamper To tighten: To loosen: Rear of the TV Keep the knob pressed Ɣ Do not bundle the RF cable and mains lead together (could cause distorted image). 17) sound options Ɣ Easy setting for viewing and Ɣ Used for the selection, navigation and operation of various functions Ɣ Returns to the previous menu / page Ɣ Freeze / unfreeze picture (p. [. . . ] For details of settings for the connected equipment, read the manual of the equipment. 1 2 INPUT TV AV ASPECT MENU N DIRECT TV REC EXIT Plug the TV into mains socket and switch On (Takes a few seconds to be displayed) Select the language OSD Language Deutsch English Français Italiano Español Português Nederlands Dansk Svenska Norsk Suomi Türkçe ȿȜȜȘȞȚțȐ Polski þeština Magyar Slovenþina Ȼɴɥɝɚɪɫɤɢ Românӽ Srpski Hrvatski Slovenšþina Latviešu eesti keel Lietuviǐ select set TO VIERA OLS IDE GU RETURN 3 Select your country Country Germany Austria France Italy Spain Portugal Switzerland Malta Andorra Denmark Sweden Norway Finland Luxembourg Belgium Netherlands Turkey Greece Poland Czech Hungary Slovakia Slovenia Estonia Lithuania Ireland E. Eu select set OPTION TEXT STTL INDEX HOLD Auto Setup starts Ɣ Auto Setup will start to search for TV channels and store them. Display TV Guide IDE GU Select the channel select watch 14 Ŷ Other useful functions Hold Freeze / unfreeze picture HOLD Display Information banner Display Information banner Ɣ Also appears when changing a channel Ɣ To change the category Channel type (if it is Radio or Data channel) Example (DVB): Category Channel position and name blue Current time Radio Now Dolby D + 20:35 All DVB-T Channels Change category For info press 1 ZDF Programme Coronation Street 20 : 00 - 20 : 55 Encrypted 45 Programme Start / Finish time Features available / Message meanings Viewing Example (Analogue): 3 ITV itv1 CH23 Encrypted Radio 19:35 All Analogue Channels For info press AD Subtitles Stereo 45 Sound mute On Bad signal Poor TV signal quality Encrypted Scrambled programme Dolby D +, Dolby D Dolby Digital Plus or Dolby Digital audio track Channel number Ɣ To confirm another tuned channel name ƔWatching TV Ɣ To watch the channel listed in the banner Ɣ Information on the next programme (DVB) Subtitle service available EXIT Ɣ To hide (DVB) Teletext service available Ɣ Extra information (press again to hide the banner) Multiple audio available Ɣ To set display timeout “Banner Display Timeout” (p. 16 Ŷ Other useful functions Display the selectable settings for the current programme Check or change the current programme status instantly OPTION Ɣ To change change select Multi Video (DVB mode) Allows you to select the image (if available) Multi Audio (DVB mode) Allows you to select between alternative language for sound tracks (if available) Sub Channel (DVB mode) Allows you to select the multifeed programme - sub channel (if available) Subtitle Language (DVB mode) Allows you to select the language in which subtitles should appear (if available) Teletext Character Set Sets the teletext language Setup Menu (p. 15) Note Ɣ When the remaining time is within 3 minutes, the remaining time will flash on the screen. Ɣ When this TV is turned on for the first time, or the TV is switched off for more than a week, it may take some time before the TV Guide is completely shown. 14 TV View TV Guide Ɣ To change the layout (Landscape / Portrait) view “Landscape” to see many channels view “Portrait” to see one channel at a time Programme All Types All Channels IDE GU OPTION RETURN TV Guide Current date and time time Example: TV Guide date TV Guide: Landscape Wed, 24. Type All Types Ŷ To return to TV EXIT Ŷ To view a channel list of the selected type (DVB mode) yellow (Type list) select type All Types Movie News view . 31) Updating the TV Software From time to time, a new version of software may become available for download to enhance the performance or operations of the TV. 1 MENU EXIT Display the menu MENU 2 3 Select “Setup” Main Menu Picture Sound Setup access select Select “System Menu” Setup Menu ƔUpdating the TV Software ƔShipping Condition access Off Off Timer Link Settings Child Lock DVB-T Tuning Menu Language Display Settings Common Interface System Menu Other Settings select Access 4 Ŷ To return to TV EXIT Select “System Update” System Menu access Access Shipping Condition System Update Software Licence System Information select 5 Set Update TV’s software system System Update Advanced Ŷ To update automatically Select “Auto Update Search in Standby” System Update Ɣ Every time you set, the TV automatically performs a set select search in standby and downloads an update, if any software updates are available. 4 Operate the menu of the equipment Available VIERA remote control buttons: (depending on the connected equipment) Set the code of the remote control to “73” EXIT “How to change the code for the type of the equipment” (p. 25) IDE GU Follow the operation guide OPTION OPTION RETURN Ŷ If you access non-VIERA Link equipment VIERA Link Menu TEXT STTL Ɣ To display the operation guide If other manufacturers’ equipment is accessed , Setup / Contents Selection menu may be displayed. Pause Live TV Direct TV Rec VIERA Link Control Speaker Selection Speaker Selection Start Recorder Home Cinema Home Cinema Ɣ When the key words are displayed on colour bar red green yellow blue The type of the connected equipment is displayed. 53 External Equipment These diagrams show our recommendations for connection of your TV to various pieces of equipment. For other connections, consult the instructions for each piece of equipment, the table below, and the specifications (p. ) Ŷ Data format for Card browsing Ɣ Photo : Still images recorded with digital still cameras compatible with JPEG files of DCF 57 Technical Information Characters table for numeric buttons You can enter characters by using numeric buttons for free input items. press the numeric button repeatedly until you reach the desired character. [. . . ] press the numeric button repeatedly until you reach the desired character. Ɣ The character is set automatically if you leave for one second. Ɣ PC signal is magnified or compressed for display, so that it may not be possible to show fine detail with sufficient clarity. [. . . ]


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