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Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning PACKARD BELL BUTTERFLY XS

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] The plug must be a type appropriate for the country where it is used. Check with your local dealer for HAR type 18 AWG, 2 conductor cord, or better. [. . . ] The computer's hard disk drive, optical drive and processor are idling or under low load. The BIOS contains information on the computer's configuration, for example date, time, drives and memory. If this occurs you may need to enter the BIOS to reset the system date and time - other settings should be detected automatically. High capacity drives are also ideal for storing your favourite music, photos and videos - take them with you everywhere you go!For further peace of mind, optional PB Care packs let you extend the standard warranty up to three years and upgrade to on-site service for desktops. Com for more information on installing drivers for your computer's hardware. Com for more information on installing drivers for your computer's hardware. Check that you have selected the correct ISP for the account you are attempting to use. WARRANTY COVERAGE AND WARRANTY PERIOD Packard Bell warrants that the Product and the Software are free from defect in material and workmanship for the Warranty Period set out below. Your Product meets the Class 2 specifications under the ISO 13406-2 industry guidelines for LCD monitors. [. . . ] Your Product meets the Class 2 specifications under the ISO 13406-2 industry guidelines for LCD monitors. Cluster of errors type 1 Cluster of errors type 3 or 2 in 5X5 pixels in 5X5 pixels WARRANTY EXCLUSIONS This Warranty does not apply when: - Defective accessories, consumable items and/or peripherals have not been delivered in the factory packaging of the Product or have been purchased separately from the Product; - Problems are caused by hardware or software which have not been delivered in the factory packaging of the Product; - The original identification marks have been altered or removed from the Product; - Defects or failures are due to accident, neglect or misuse, failure of or defect in electrical power, external electrical circuitry, unusual physical or electrical stress, air conditioning or environmental controls, the effects of weather influences; the use of items not provided by Packard Bell; - Defects are caused by a virus or another pre-programmed device with similar effect; - The Customer has forgotten, lost or removed any password (including BIOS password) which provides him from having access to the Product; - The Customer, any third party to Packard Bell or any third party to its authorised service provider has modified, adjusted, repaired, serviced or installed the Product; - The use or installation of the Product is not in compliance with Packard Bell's documentation; Please contact the store where You purchased Your Product for more details. [. . . ]


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