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Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning MEDION LIFE P43005 MD 86295
Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.
[. . . ] Pierwsze zostaje wykonane 10 sekund po naciśnięciu wyzwalacza, a drugie 12 sekund po naciśnięciu wyzwalacza. 2010 14:02
Select the type of flash Display the next photo Switch fast forward on or off Open a sub-menu or select a setting In Recording mode: Switch on the macro for close photos and videos In Replay mode: Display the previous photo Replaying videos: Switch fast forward on or off In the menu Leave the sub-menu or select a setting 11. [. . . ] 2010 14:02
Display symbols for sound replay
The following display symbols are possible in the Replay mode for sound recordings:
1. You should hold the camera still or a tripod should be used in this case. Setting Size in pixels 14 M 4320 x 3240 3:2 4320 x 2880 8M 3264 x 2448 5M 2592 x 1944 3M 2048 x 1536 16:9 1920 x 1080 VGA* 640 x 480 The VGA setting is recommended for sending photos by email, for example. A bar diagram with 3 images for adjusting will appear in the display. The left image, for example, will show a light correction of – 0. 3, the central one will show the light correction currently selected and the right image will show a light correction of + 0. Setting Size in pixels Image quality 1280 x 720 HDTV (only possible with SDHC cards from Class 6) 640 x 480 High quality 320 x 240 640 x 480 Normal
Web quality quality for representing the image through Internet platforms The recording of the video clips will be optimized for representing on Internet platforms in the setting. Select high saturation for strong colours and low saturation for more natural tones. You can select the imprinting of the date and the time on images here. Date Date & Time Off The photo taken will be displayed for a few seconds after taking. The camera will establish the suitable Recording settings for the shutter time and the aperture value. Flash, macro) cannot be changed in the case of the following special types of recording, because they have been pre-set for the type of recording. [. . . ] The red eye correction can be used several times for an image; however, the image quality may deteriorate in stages through this. The pause between photos is longer when taking pictures in the dark The shutter will normally work more slowly under weak lighting conditions. [. . . ]
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