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Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.
[. . . ] For carpets with long tassels, fold the tassels under the carpet. - Using the machine for an extended period of time with its inlet port obstructed may result in critical damage to the product. [. . . ] - Robotic vacuum cleaner stops operating for safety reasons if it cannot move for more than 5 minutes. This function recognizes the shape of the ceiling using the camera on top to identify the area to be cleaned and determines the best way to pass over and clean every section of the floor. 7 8
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The dust output at the top enables emptying the dust bin easily using a normal vacuum cleaner without dust flying around. EDGE-CLEANING SIDE ROTATING BRUSH
The edge-cleaning side rotating brush cleans dust from the edges. 5cm Stair type Vertical type
The robotic vacuum cleaner’s innovative driving system makes it possible for it to cross over doorsills with a height of about 1. Setting the Time You should set the time to use the scheduled and daily cleaning options. If the configure time is incorrect, set the time to the current time. When separating the dust bin, take care not to spill the dust out of the dust bin. When dust has accumulated inside the dust bin. Press the Dust Bin Eject (PUSH) button and pull the dust bin to separate the dust bin. Wipe the dust from the filter and the dust bin. When cleaning is complete, fix the Power Switch side of the power brush first and then fix the other side of the brush in the same way. Wearing rubber gloves, wrap the side rotating brush with a cloth using hot water for about 10 seconds and wipe it on the cloth. If hair or string is wrapped between the main unit and the side rotating brush, undo the screw of the side rotating brush using a (+) driver to remove it. [. . . ] If hair or string is wrapped between the main unit and the side rotating brush, undo the screw of the side rotating brush using a (+) driver to remove it. When reassembling the brush, check the “L” mark on the edge-cleaning side rotating brush and the “L” mark on the main unit and then reassemble the side rotating brush. [. . . ]
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