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Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning MAKITA DPC7311
Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.
[. . . ] MAKITA recommends that you retain all receipts covering maintenance on your engine, but MAKITA cannot deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts or for your failure to ensure the performance of all scheduled maintenance. If other than the parts authorized by MAKITA are used for maintenance replacements or for the repair of components affecting emission control, you should assure yourself that such parts are warranted by their manufacturer to be equivalent to the parts authorized by MAKITA in their performance and durability. Five-stage air-filter system for reliable working even under very dusty conditions. Two options for mounting the cutter attachment: Either centrally, for good balance when guiding the unit manually, or on the side, for flush cuts along walls or curbsides or horizontally directly above the ground. [. . . ] - When cutting material under stress (supported material or material in structures), always make a notch in the thrust (pressure) side, and then cut from the tension side, so that the disc does not lock in. If there is a chance that the material is under stress, be prepared for it to kick back. First aid
When calling for help, give the following information: - Place of the accident - What happened - Kind of injuries - Your name!674 Typ 394
Year of manufacture
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Handle Filter cover for air filter and spark plug cap Cover lock Tubular handle Muffler Protection hood Grip V-belt tension adjusting screw Retaining nuts Stand Carburetor adjustment opening Identification plate Fuel tank with handle
4 1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4 2 5 2 6 2
Decompression valve Starter grip Air intake Combination Start/Stop (I/O) switch, choke Stop knob for halfway throttle Safety locking button Throttle lever Tank cap (fuel) Starter housing with starter Cutting disc Disc bolt Spring washer Hold opening
Putting into operation
Always turn off the engine and pull off the spark plug cap before doing any work on the Power Cut!Adapter ring (not in the general delivery inventory)
Place the Power Cut on a stable surface and carry out the following assembly steps:
Only for models DPC8111 and 8112 No air filter is installed!If your skin comes in contact with these substances repeatedly and for an extended period of time, it will dry out. For this reason the hood must be cleaned out from time to time. Care for the oiled air filter as described for DPC8111 and DPC8112. Pre-filter (foam with air-filter oil) Only for models DPC8111 and 8112
Clean or replace (when cutting with high dust amounts): • Daily or at least every • 4 operating hours, or • 8 tank fillings, or • 8 litres fuel mixture. For cutting up against obstacles, such as curbs or walls, the cutting attachment can be mounted to one side (2). Diamond cutting discs (1)
The high durability of the diamond grains ensures low wear and thereby a very long service life with almost no change in disc diameter over the lifetime of the disc. The metal disc plates give highly concentric running for minimal vibration during use. the water tank is designed to be mounted on the guide trolley. Its high capacity makes it especially suitable for situations involving frequent site changes. For filling or for fast changing to reserve tanks, the tank can be simply lifted off the trolley. To keep down dust and for better cutting‑disc cooling, MAKITA offers several options for wetting the disc during operation. Clean, Check position (impact plate) 18 Inspect for damage and make sure the cutting wheel is 7 right for the job Check V‑belt tension 15 Adjust position Functional check Functional check Functional check 18 Check for tightness and lekages Clean (if necessary more frequently); pre-filter (foam) maintenance as described above under Cleaning / changing the air filter 22-23 Check (cutting disc must not turn on idle) 20 Clean filter insert (paper cartridge) 22-23 Clean to ensure proper air cooling Check for damage Check V‑belt tension, inspect for damage and wear Clean, replace after 100 operating hours Check and replace if necessary Check tightness of mounting, clean or replace spark arrester screen if necessary Check their condition an that they are firmly secured Replace Clean Check at an authorized service center Clean exterior, check for damage. (fuel) Inner filter Air filter insert (paper cartridge) Pre-filter (foam, for DPC6410 - 7321) Pre-filter (foam, for DPC8111, 8112) Spark plug Starter cable ø4. [. . . ] En l’insérant dans le couvercle du filtre, aligner le pré-filtre sur le logement du couvercle et l’enfoncer dans le couvercle du filtre (5). Introduire le cordon dans l’évidement (24) sur le tambour d’enroulement et tourner deux fois le tambour d’enroulement avec le cordon dans le sens de la flèche. Desserrer la vis de tension (3) (dans le sens inverse des aiguilles) jusqu’à ce que l’extrémité de la vis (4) soit visible dans la fente. Les travaux non compris dans cette liste ne doivent être exécutés que dans un atelier spécialisé de MAKITA. [. . . ]
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