Bruker manual LG LG 37LC51 BROCHURE

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[. . . ] [. . . ] LG has created reputation for progressive technology and innovation with the latest technological developments in consumer electronics, home appliances and IT products. www. dooyoo. co. uk :: Video :: Television :: LG 37LC51 General Product Type Digital Television Certification TV Tuner PC Interface HDCP Compatible Dimensions Width Depth Height Weight Enclosure Colour 37" LCD TV HD ready 1x analogue VGA (HD-15), HDMI Yes Without stand 92. 7 cm 8. 8 cm 63 cm 16 kg Glossy black Copyright © 2006 dooyoo AG www. dooyoo. co. uk Display Diagonal Size Technology Resolution Display Format Image Aspect Ratio Dynamic Contrast Ratio Brightness Progressive Scan Widescreen Modes Viewing Angle Viewing Angle (Vertical) Pixel Response Time Colour Temperature Control Picture Adjustment Features 37" - widescreen TFT active matrix 1366 x 768 720p 16:9 5000:1 450 cd/m2 Progressive scanning (line doubling) Zoom 14:9, Zoom 16:9, Conventional 4:3, Auto Wide, Full, 16:9, Spectacle 178 degrees 178 degrees 5 ms Yes (Warm/Medium/Cool) Dynamic/Standard/Mild/User1/User2 Video noise reduction, parental control, on-screen menu, XD Engine technology, channel labeling TV Tuner Analogue TV Tuner Reception System Stereo Reception System Channel Coverage PAL, SECAM SECAM-D, SECAM-B, SECAM-K, PAL-B, SECAM-G, PAL-G, PAL-I, PAL-D, SECAM-L, PAL-K NICAM UHF:21-69, VHF:2-12, Cable:1-20 Video Features HD Ready Analogue Video Input Signals Input Video Formats Supported Computer Resolutions Yes NTSC, PAL, SECAM 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p, 480i, 576i, 576p 1024 x 768 (XGA), 640 x 480 (VGA), 800 x 600 (SVGA), 1280 x 768 (WXGA), 640 x 350, 720 x 400, 848 x 480, 852 x 480, 1360 x 768 Teletext Parental Channel Lock Yes Yes Copyright © 2006 dooyoo AG www. dooyoo. co. uk Remote Control Type Supported Devices Universal remote control - infrared VCR or DVD Audio System Sound Output Mode Audio Controls Equaliser Speakers Included Output Power / Total Features Speaker(s) Stereo Sound mode, balance Yes (5-band) 2 speakers 20 Watt Volume limiter 2 x right/left channel speaker - built-in - 10 Watt Connections Connector Type 2 x HDMI input ( 19 pin HDMI Type A ) - rear ¦ 1 x RGB input ( 15 PIN HD D-Sub (HD-15) ) - rear ¦ 1 x audio line-in ( mini-phone stereo 3. 5 mm ) - rear ¦ 1 x component video input ( RCA phono x 3 ) - rear ¦ 1 x audio line-in ( RCA phono x 2 ) - rear ¦ 1 x audio line-out ( RCA phono x 2 ) - rear ¦ 2 x SCART ( 21 PIN SCART ) - rear ¦ 1 x S-Video input ( 4 PIN mini-DIN ) side ¦ 1 x composite video/audio input ( RCA phono x 3 ) Stands & Mounts Stand Included Stand Design Built-in Tabletop Power Power Device Voltage Required Power Consumption Operational Power supply - internal AC 120/230 V ( 50/60 Hz ) 170 Watt Dimensions & Weight Details Dimensions & Weight Details Panel without stand - 92. 7 cm x 8. 8 cm x 63 cm x 16 kg ¦ Panel with stand - 92. 7 cm x 28. 1 cm x 69. 3 cm x 20 kg Copyright © 2006 dooyoo AG www. dooyoo. co. uk [. . . ] [. . . ]


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