Bruker manual LG 42LS3400

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Lastmanuals hjelper deg og laste ned bruksanvisning LG 42LS3400.

Mode d'emploi LG 42LS3400

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   LG 42LS3400 (10127 ko)
   LG 42LS3400 (24565 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning LG 42LS3400

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] OWNER’S MANUAL LED LCD TV / LCD TV Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference. Protection cover OWNER’S MANUAL LED LCD TV / LCD TV Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference. [. . . ] If you watch TV for a long period of time, this may cause blurred vision. The TV set or power cord may be damaged, which may create a fire hazard or cause electric shock. , broadcasting channel logo, on-screen menu, scene from a video yy game) for a prolonged time may cause damage to the screen, resulting in retention of the image, which is known as image sticking. the warranty does not cover the product for image sticking. Avoid displaying a fixed image on your television’s screen for a prolonged period (2 or more hours for LCD, 1 or more hours for Plasma). Also, if you watch the TV at a ratio of 4:3 for a long time, image sticking may occur on the borders of the panel. And the TV should be turned off if it will not be watched for some time, as this will reduce energy consumption. ENGLISH ENG TV Power Cord Correct Wrong ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING 15 Parts and buttons ENGLISH ENG A type : 19/22/26/32LS35**, 26/32/42CS46**, 32/42LS340* B type : 32/42LS345*, 32/42LS341*, 32/42LS348* Screen Screen buttons Remote control and intelligent sensors1 Power indicator Speakers OK OK Speakers Remote control and intelligent sensors1 SETTINGS INPUT Touch buttons SETTINGS INPUT OK SETTINGS INPUT Power indicator A type2 H H Buttons B type Adjusts the volume level. 16 ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING Lifting and moving the TV When moving or lifting the TV, read the following to prevent the TV from being scratched or damaged and for safe transportation regardless of its type and size. WARNING y y To prevent TV from falling over, the TV should be securely attached to the floor/ wall per installation instructions. [. . . ] Yy Technologies audio TNT prises en charge : MPEG, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, HE-AAC yy Formats audio HDMI pris en charge : Dolby Digital, PCM (jusqu’à 192 KHz, 32k/44, 1k /48k/88k/96k/176k/192k, DTS non pris en charge) NOTE yy It is recommended to use the TV with the HDMI connection for the best image quality. REMARQUE yy Vérifiez si le module CI est inséré dans le bon sens dans la fente de la carte PCMCIA. [. . . ]


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