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Hvis denne bruksanvisning, instruksjon eller skjema er det du leter etter, så last den ned nå. Lastmanuals gir deg en rask og enkel tilgang til bruksanvisninger for INDESIT IDL700DOT2 Vi håper at bruksanvisningen for INDESIT IDL700DOT2 er til hjelp for deg.
Lastmanuals hjelper deg og laste ned bruksanvisning INDESIT IDL700DOT2.
Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.
[. . . ] Once you have loaded the salt for the first time, it is normal that the low salt indicator light stays on or flashes for about 5 consecutive cycles. [. . . ] 2) There is a ring on the container with an arrow on it (see figure to the side), if necessary, rotate the ring in the anticlockwise direction from the "_" setting towards the "+" sign, based on the hardness of the water being used. If the water in your area is hard or very hard, we still recommend you pour extra salt into the relevant dispenser to prevent the formation of white streaks on your dishes or on the interior of the appliance. The upper rack can be set in a high or low position. If, despite all these checks, the dishwasher still does not function and/or the problem persists, contact the nearest authorised service centre and provide them with the following information: - the nature of the problem; - the model type number (Mod. If the water pipes are new or have not been used for an extended period of time, let the water run to make sure that the water is clear and free of impurities. Electrical Connection After making sure that the voltage and frequency values for the current in the home correspond to those on the rating plate (located on the stainless steel inner door of the appliance) and that the electrical system is sized for the maximum voltage on the rating plate, insert the plug into an electrical socket which is earthed properly (the earthing of the appliance is a safety requirement mandated by law). [. . . ] If the water pipes are new or have not been used for an extended period of time, let the water run to make sure that the water is clear and free of impurities. [. . . ]
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