Bruker manual HUSQVARNA EPA

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   HUSQVARNA EPA (1797 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning HUSQVARNA EPA

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] For inspection and maintenance see instructions under the heading Checking, maintaining and servicing chain saw safety equipment. Third, the chain brake may be activated but if the bar is too close to you the brake might not have enough time to slow down and stop the chain before the chain saw hits you. [. . . ] € Always store fuel in an approved container designed for that purpose. (27) Allow engine to warm for thirty seconds, then squeeze throttle trigger to set normal idle. As the chain brake is still engaged the speed of the engine must be set to idling as soon as possible, this is achieved by quickly pressing the throttle trigger once. Fit a guard to the bar before transporting the chain saw or carrying it for any distance. See instructions under the heading Technical data section to find out which lengths of bar are recommended for your saw. There are methods for felling trees with a diameter larger than the bar length. The word kickback is used to describe the sudden reaction that causes the chain saw and bar to jump off an object when the upper quadrant of the tip of the bar, known as the kickback zone, touches an object. 2 2011-03-13 English – 19 MAINTENANCE Checking the inertia brake release With the engine turned off, hold the chain saw over a stump or other firm object. An air filter that has been in use for a long time cannot be cleaned completely. The bar should be turned daily for more even wear. 7 Chain/bar Standard bar length, inch/cm Recommended bar lengths, inch/cm Usable cutting length, inches/cm Chain speed at max. 2 2011-03-13 TECHNICAL DATA Recommended original and replacement bar and chain combinations for USA Following is a list of recommended cutting equipment for the Husqvarna chain saw models 235e, 240e and 240e TrioBrake. [. . . ] Husqvarna recommends that you retain all receipts covering maintenance on your small nonroad engine, but Husqvarna cannot deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts or for your failure to ensure the performance of all scheduled maintenance. Pinching the saw chain along the top of the guide bar may push the guide bar rapidly back towards the operator. [. . . ]


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