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Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.
[. . . ] See instructions under the heading Technical data for information on the size of file and gauge that are recommended for the chain fitted to your chain saw. 455 Rancher, 460 Rancher
Loosen the bar nuts that hold the clutch cover/chain brake.
Use the combination spanner to tighten the bar nuts while lifting the tip of the bar at the same time. See instructions under the heading Lubricating the bar tip sprocket. [. . . ] See instructions under the heading Lubricating the bar tip sprocket.
To prolong the life of the bar you should turn it over daily. The chain is correctly tensioned when it does not sag from the underside of the bar, but can still be turned easily by hand. Hold up the bar tip and tighten the bar nuts with the combination spanner. 455e Rancher
Fit the bar over the bar bolts. 1 2009-12-29
Fit the bar over the bar bolts. The chain is correctly tensioned when it does not sag from the underside of the bar, but can still be turned easily by hand. Hold up the bar tip and tighten the bar knob by turning the knob clockwise. Mixing
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Environment fuel HUSQVARNA recommends the use of alkylate fuel or environmental fuel for four-stroke engines blended with two-stroke oil as set out below. Note that carburetor adjustment may be necessary when changing the type of fuel (see instructions under the heading Carburetor). The bar should be turned daily for more even wear. In/cm3 Cylinder bore, inch/mm Stroke, inch/mm Idle speed, rpm Power, kW/hp @ rpm Ignition system Spark plug Electrode gap, inch/mm Fuel and lubrication system Fuel tank capacity, US pint/litre Oil pump capacity at 9, 000 rpm, ml/min Oil tank capacity, US pint/litre Type of oil pump Weight Chain saw without bar or chain, empty tanks, lb/kg Chain/bar Standard bar length, inch/cm Recommended bar lengths, inch/cm Usable cutting length, inches/cm Pitch, inch Thickness of drive links, inch/mm Drive sprocket type/teeth Chain speed at max. Recommended original and replacement bar and chain combinations
Following is a list of recommended cutting equipment for the Husqvarna chain saw model 455 Rancher, 455e Rancher and 460 Rancher. As we are listing the maximum guide bar nose radius, you may use a guide bar with smaller nose radius than in our list. for guide bars of the same length , all sprocket-nose guide bars of the same pitch and having the same number of sprocket teeth may be considered to have equivalent kickback energy. A hard nose bar having the same length and nose radius as a sprocket-nose bar may be considered to have equivalent or less kickback energy than the sprocket-nose bar. 1 2009-12-29
Recommended cutting equipment for Canada
Following is a list of recommended cutting equipment for the Husqvarna chain saw model 455 Rancher, 455e Rancher and 460 Rancher. As we are listing the maximum guide bar nose radius, you may use a guide bar with smaller nose radius than in our list. for guide bars of the same length , all sprocket-nose guide bars of the same pitch and having the same number of sprocket teeth may be considered to have equivalent kickback energy. A hard nose bar having the same length and nose radius as a sprocket-nose bar may be considered to have equivalent or less kickback energy than the sprocket-nose bar. [. . . ] for guide bars of the same length , all sprocket-nose guide bars of the same pitch and having the same number of sprocket teeth may be considered to have equivalent kickback energy. A hard nose bar having the same length and nose radius as a sprocket-nose bar may be considered to have equivalent or less kickback energy than the sprocket-nose bar. Nose radius 11T 11T 11T 11T 11T Husqvarna H80, Husqvarna H46, Husqvarna H47 Chain Type Drive link count 56 60 68 72 84
Note: For the saw chains above (if available) you are free to choose between 0, 050" or 0, 058" gauge drive links for the corresponding bar, see the table below Gauge, in. Husqvarna Forest & Garden must warrant the emission control system on your small nonroad engine for the period of time listed below provided there has been no abuse, neglect or improper maintenance of your unit. [. . . ]
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