Bruker manual HUSQVARNA 67521 HV

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Mode d'emploi HUSQVARNA 67521 HV

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Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning HUSQVARNA 67521 HV

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] It has been designed, engineered and manufactured to give you the best possible dependability and performance. [. . . ] For better grass bagging and most cutting conditions, the engine speed should be set in the fast position. €¢ • • • • 9 MAINTENANCE BEFORE EACH USE Check for Loose Fasteners Clean / Inspect Grass Catcher * Check Tires Check Drive Wheels *** Clean Lawn Mower **** Clean under Drive Cover *** Check Drive Belt / Pulleys *** Check / Sharpen / Replace Blade Lubrication Clean and Recharge Battery ** Check Engine Oil level Change Engine Oil Clean Air Filter Inspect Muffler Replace Spark Plug Replace Air Filter Paper Cartridge Empty fuel system or add Stabilizer AFTER EACH USE EVERY 10 HOURS EVERY 25 HOURS OR SEASON EVERY 100 HOURS BEFORE STORAGE * (if so equipped) ** Electric-Start mowers *** Power-Propelled mowers **** Use a scraper deck to clean under 1 - Change more often if operating under a heavy load or in high outdoor temperatures. STORAGE Immediately prepare your mower for storage at the end of the season or if the unit will not be used for 30 days or more. LAWN MOWER When lawn mower is to be stored for a period of time, clean it thoroughly, remove all dirt, grease, leaves, etc. If possible, store your unit indoors and cover it to give protection from dust and dirt. WARRANTY STATEMENT SECTION 1: LIMITED WARRANTY starter ropes and tines; (2) Natural discoloration of material due to ultraviolet light; (3) Engine and drive systems not manufactured by Husqvarna; these items are covered by the respective manufacturer’s warranty as provided in writing with the product information supplied at the time of purchase; all claims must be sent to the appropriate manufacturer; (4) Lawn and garden attachments are covered by a third party which gives a warranty, all claims for warranty should be sent to the manufacturer, (5) Commercial or consumer mowing decks with sand abrasion damage. [. . . ] Emission control system components necessary to comply with CARB-TIER II and EPA regulations, except for those components which are part of engine systems manufactured by third part engine manufacturers for which the purchaser has received a separate warranty with product at time of purchase. [. . . ]


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