Bruker manual HOTPOINT WMG 1022B EU

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Mode d'emploi HOTPOINT WMG 1022B EU

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   HOTPOINT WMG 1022B EU (1416 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning HOTPOINT WMG 1022B EU

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] The first wash cycle Once the appliance has been installed, and before you use it for the first time, run a wash cycle with detergent and no laundry, using wash cycle number “Auto Clean”. [. . . ] The “spin” bars indicate the maximum spin level which may be selected for the set cycle. To set a delayed start for the selected cycle, press the corresponding button repeatedly until the required delay period has been reached. Select the wash programme: the cycle will be automatically set to “Normal” as optimised for garments with an average level of soil (this setting is not applicable to the “Wool” cycle, which is automatically set to “Delicate”). 1) Test wash cycle in compliance with directive 1061/2010: set wash cycle This cycle is designed for cotton loads with a normal soil level and is the most efficient in terms of both electricity and water consumption; it should be used for garments which can be washed at 60°C . This cycle is designed for cotton loads with a normal soil level and is the most efficient in terms of both electricity and water consumption; it should be used for garments which can be washed at 40°C . For all Test Institutes: 2) Long wash cycle for cottons: set wash cycle with a temperature of 40°C. [. . . ] For the best washing results with Eco Cycles we recommend the usage of a liquid detergent. [. . . ]


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