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Hvis denne bruksanvisning, instruksjon eller skjema er det du leter etter, så last den ned nå. Lastmanuals gir deg en rask og enkel tilgang til bruksanvisninger for HOTPOINT LL 430 FR Vi håper at bruksanvisningen for HOTPOINT LL 430 FR er til hjelp for deg.
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[. . . ] 17)
This is where you will find small tips on how to wash your dishes better and to help make savings by selecting a wash cycle which best suits the type of load. [. . . ] If the water in your area is hard or very hard, we still recommend you pour extra salt into the relevant dispenser to prevent the formation of white streaks on your dishes or on the interior of the appliance. ARISTON DISHWASHER - Instructions for installation and use 15
D ISHWASHER Select the right wash cycle
A wash cycle for every degree of soil
Salt, rinseaid, therightamountofdetergentandthecorrectwashcycle:thisistheformulatoget thebestresultsandtokeepyourdishwasherinshape
Select the right wash cycle for your dishes. selecting the most suitable wash cycle for the load ensures clean dishes and a more convenient use of water and electricity. &\FOH
Pre-wash at 40°C Very dirty dishes and pans Wash at 65°C (not to be used for 2 Cold rinse delicate items) Hot rinse at 65°C Drying 6XSHU :DVK Cycle for normally dirty pans and dishes. Special cycle to be used for more delicate items which are sensitive to high temperatures. Once you have loaded the salt for the first time, it is normal that the low salt indicator light stays on or flashes for about 5 consecutive cycles. Never let silverware come into contact with other metals: you will thus avoid stains and blackening Apart from making you save time and energy, your dishwasher disinfects your dishes, washing them at a high temperature. How to look after and protect the dishes you hold dear
Savings are easy
Using your electric household appliances wisely helps you make savings and is good for the environment. [. . . ] By registering now, you automatically qualify for a full year's guarantee on parts and labour PLUS free functional parts cover for a further 4 years, provided they are genuine Ariston spare parts fitted by an Ariston Service Engineer. [. . . ]
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