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Hvis denne bruksanvisning, instruksjon eller skjema er det du leter etter, så last den ned nå. Lastmanuals gir deg en rask og enkel tilgang til bruksanvisninger for HOTPOINT LI 420 Vi håper at bruksanvisningen for HOTPOINT LI 420 er til hjelp for deg.
Lastmanuals hjelper deg og laste ned bruksanvisning HOTPOINT LI 420.
Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.
[. . . ] 13) This is where you will find small tips on how to wash your dishes better and to help make savings by selecting a wash cycle which best suits the All your appliance's technical data, in accordance with norms and type of load. [. . . ] If it takes quite some time to fill up your dishwasher, use the soak cycle to avoid the formation of bad odours and caked-on food. Select the most suitable wash cycle for the type of load you have placed in the dishwasher. Choose where you want to install your dishwasher, you can even place it so that its sides or back panel are side by side with furniture or up against the wall. Your dishwasher has arrived
water hoses are new or have been out of use for an extended period of time, let the water run to make sure it is clear and free of impurities before making the connection. Which lights are flashing, turn the the appliance off, clean the filter the type of malfunction s Have you put the right amount appliance off and call for technical thoroughly and reposition it in its the model mark (Mod . When you go away for an extended period of time, we recommend you do the following: run a cycle with the dishwasher empty turn off the water inlet tap. [. . . ] A l'aide d'un tournevis tournez les vis dans le sensdesaiguillesd'unemontrepour soulever le lave-vaisselle et dans le sens inverse pour l'abaisser. [. . . ]
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