Bruker manual HOTPOINT FC 87 C.1/E IX

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Mode d'emploi HOTPOINT FC 87 C.1/E IX

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   HOTPOINT FC 87 C.1/E IX (3768 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning HOTPOINT FC 87 C.1/E IX

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] We recommend that you read the instructions in this owner’s manual carefully before use for the best performance and to extend the life of your appliance, as it will provide you with all the instructions you require to ensure its safe installation, use and maintenance. Guides for sliding the racks or dripping pan in and out Oven Light Clock adjustment Timer adjustment End cooking time Cooking time Setting confirmation Timer indicator Pre-heating (m flashing) or cooking (m on) under way indicator 9. [. . . ] 14 Programming the cooking mode The cooking time and/or end cooking time can be programmed after the desired cooking mode has been selected. Programming the cooking time Press button 5 and then adjust the cooking time by turning knob C. And the end cooking time is set at 10:15 a. Press the OK button to store the setting and the display will remind you of the end cooking time and of the temperature set alternately. And a cooking time of 1 hour and 15 minutes and 12:20 as the end cooking time are programmed. To cancel a programmed time To cancel any programming you have made, set knob “B” to position “0”. € if you use your oven for an extended period of time, condensation may form. 16 Practical Cooking Advice The oven offers a wide range of alternatives which allow you to cook any type of food in the best possible way. With time you will learn to make the best use of this versatile cooking appliance and the following directions are only a guideline which may be varied according to your own personal experience. cooking on More Than One Rack If you have to cook food using several racks , use either but also to cook the bottom part. [. . . ] Tableau de bord Sélecteur de fonctions Sélecteur de températures Programmateur électronique - Il per met de programmer n’importe quelle fonction de cuisson en sélectionnant la durée et l’heure de fin de cuisson. Der Garvorgang startet automatisch um 11:15 Uhr. [. . . ]


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