Bruker manual HOTPOINT C 6V9 P.3

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Mode d'emploi HOTPOINT C 6V9 P.3

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   HOTPOINT C 6V9 P.3 (1519 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning HOTPOINT C 6V9 P.3

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] 13 This appliance must be used for the purpose for which it was expressly designed. [. . . ] Press the button and then set the cooking time (within Then use the and buttons to set the desired time. Let us suppose that we set the cooking time at 30 minutes. The display will read as follows: A After the button has been released, the current time will be displayed again after approximately 4 seconds, along with the symbol and the letter "A" (AUTO); After the time has expired, an acoustical signal will be emitted, which can be turned off by pressing any of the buttons (except the and also turn off. Press the button and then use the and buttons to set the time for when the cooking program should end. A • 19 Practical Cooking Advice The 7 cuochi oven offers a wide range of alternatives which allow you to cook any type of food in the best possible way. the various features make it possible to select the level of heat and to direct it as you like: from the bottom , from above or uniformly. With time you will learn to make the best use of this versatile cooking appliance and the following directions are only a guideline which may be varied according to your own personal experience. Cooking on More Than One Rack If you have to cook on more than one rack at the same time, use only setting 4, “ventilated mode, ” which is the only one that is appropriate for this type of cooking. [. . . ] First remove all spilt food and fat with a window scrape, preferably the razor blade type (not supplied) or, failing that, the fixed blade razor edge type (see Fig. [. . . ]


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