Bruker manual HOTPOINT C 66S P6

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Mode d'emploi HOTPOINT C 66S P6

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   HOTPOINT C 66S P6 (1991 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning HOTPOINT C 66S P6

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] 15 This appliance must be used for the purpose for which it was expressly designed. 20 Some parts of the appliance remain heated for a long time after use. [. . . ] This mode is especially recommended for cooking prepacked food quickly (as pre-heating is not necessary), such as for example: frozen or pre-cooked food) as well as for a few “home-made” dishes. This Multi-cooking mode is particularly recommended for dishes requiring a gratin finish or for those requiring considerably prolonged cooking times, such as for example: lasagne, pasta bakes, roast chicken and potatoes, etc… Moreover, the excellent heat distribution makes it possible to use lower temperatures when cooking roasts. The pizza mode is ideal for foods requiring high temperatures to cook, like pizzas and large roasts. The grill is also highly recommended for dishes that require a high temperature on the surface: beef steaks, veal, rib steak, filets, hamburgers etc. 27 The electronic cooking programmer This feature allows you to program the oven or the grill as follows : • delayed start for a specific length of time; • immediate start for a specific length of time; • timer. Button Functions: : timer - hours and minutes; : cooking time; : end cooking time; : set cooking time - backward; : set cooking time - forward. After the button has been released, the current time will be displayed after approximately 4 seconds: A The letter "A" will light up reminding you that the length and end cooking time were programmed in automatic mode. At any time during the cooking process, the length of the cooking time can be displayed by pressing the button, and the end cooking time by pressing the button. After the cooking time has expired, the timer will ring for several minutes; to turn it off, simply press any of the buttons except the and buttons. Press the button and then set the cooking time (within Then use the and buttons to set the desired time. [. . . ] For red meat that should be well done on the outside while tender and juicy in the inside, it is a good idea to start with a high temperature setting (200°C-220°C) for a short time, then turn the oven down afterwards. Sugar or food with a high sugar content must me removed immediately from the cooking areas with a scraper while they are still hot. [. . . ]


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