Bruker manual HOTPOINT BCZ 35 A VE

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Mode d'emploi HOTPOINT BCZ 35 A VE
Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning HOTPOINT BCZ 35 A VE

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[. . . ] System" (Ariston Integrated Refrigeration) Removable miscellaneous shelf Hinged shelf Compartment for a 2 litre bottle Removable door shelf for bottles Compartment for storing frozen foods M L A B Ice tray H Compartment for freezing fresh foods and storing frozen foods L B C I J K Display K J I H G F G F ECO D E Fruit and Vegetable Crispers Meat/cheese storage box GB 14 The Display A E G H F B C I J D A Fridge knob This knob turns the refrigerator compartment on or off and enables you to set the relative operating temperatures. [. . . ] When the HOLIDAY function is enabled, temperature regulations cannot be made, but the appliance automatically sets itself to the best setting for the situation: +12°C for the refrigerator compartment (if enabled) and -18°C for the freezer compartment. Enabling: - set the freezer temperature knob to 0; - keep the two buttons “Select” and “Mode” pressed for approximately 5 seconds, until you hear the buzzer and the two words “OFF” and “OFF” flash on the display; these words will flash for the entire duration the DEMO mode is enabled. Disabling: - set the freezer temperature knob to 0; - keep the two buttons “Select” and “Mode” pressed for approximately 5 seconds, until you hear the buzzer and the two words “OFF” and “OFF” on the display stop flashing. Function enabled (outline on) Enabling/disabling the functions Press the MODE button "C" as many times as necessary for the red outline of the function you wish to act on to light up: this indicates that the function has been selected and is ready to be enabled or disabled. For large quantities of food to be frozen (up until the maximum load indicated on the data plate situated on the lower left, next to the salad crisper), enable the SUPER FREEZE function on the display in the "48 hours" mode: To enable the function, press the MODE button "C" as many times as necessary for the SUPER FREEZE symbol to start flashing and then press the SELECT "B" button for more than three seconds to ensure the function is enabled (symbol starts to flash slowly). Do not forget to use the ergonomic bucket provided to store the bottle inside the freezer compartment; as well as accelerating the cooling process of the same, once it is time to serve it at the table, you can take it there easily thanks to the special handles and keep it cool at length at the table. [. . . ] If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service Centre and inform them of: the type of problem, the abbreviation of the model name (Mod. [. . . ]


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