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HOTPOINT AVF 109 (758 ko)
Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning HOTPOINT AVF 109
Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.
[. . . ] The first wash cycle
Once the appliance has been installed, and before you use it for the first time, run a wash cycle with detergent and no laundry, setting the 90°C programme without a pre-wash cycle. [. . . ] Press on a programme with a spin cycle, a fixed button and the maximum spin speed allowed for the programme set will be displayed, and the icon flashes. Press button and the maximum temperature allowed for the programme set will be displayed and the icon flashes. Press the button again and "1h" appears, that is, a delay of one hour (this can reach up to 24h); stop on the "desired" delay; after approximately 2 seconds the setting is accepted, following which, the time for the set remains on. Troubleshooting
Easy iron
If you set this option, programmes 6, 7, 8, 11 and Delicate Rinse will be suspended, leaving the laundry to soak (Anti-crease) and icon will flash: - to conclude the cycle, press the START/RESET button; - to run the draining cycle alone, set the knob to the relative symbol and press the START/RESET button. [. . . ] Legãtura electricã
Date tehnice
Model AVF 109 lãrgime: 59, 5 cm înãlþime: 85 cm profunzime: 53, 5 cm de la 1 la 5 kg
Înainte de a introduce ºtecherul în priza de curent, asiguraþi-vã ca: priza sã fie cu împãmântare ºi conform prevederilor legale; priza sã poatã suporta sarcina maximã de putere a maºinii, indicatã în tabelul cu date tehnice (a se vedea alãturi); tensiunea de alimentare sã fie cuprinsã în valorile indicate în tabelul cu date tehnice (a se vedea alãturi); priza sã fie compatibilã cu ºtecherul maºinii de spãlat. [. . . ]
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