Bruker manual HOTPOINT AQ114D 697D EU/B

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   HOTPOINT AQ114D 697D EU/B (6256 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning HOTPOINT AQ114D 697D EU/B

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] M1-M2-M3 buttons: press and hold one of the buttons to store a cycle with your own set preferences in the memory of the machine. DELAYED START button: press to set a delayed start for the selected wash cycle; the set delay time will appear on the display above (see “Running a wash cycle”). [. . . ] This cycle is designed for cotton loads with a normal soil level and is the most efficient in terms of both electricity and water consumption; it should be used for garments which can be washed at 60°C. This cycle is designed for cotton loads with a normal soil level and is the most efficient in terms of both electricity and water consumption; it should be used for garments which can be washed at 40°C. For all Test Institutes: 2) Long wash cycle for cottons: set wash cycle 4) Long wash cycle for synthetics: set wash cycle with a temperature of 40°C. 7 Detergents and laundry EN Detergent The type and quantity of detergent required depend on the type of fabric you are washing (cotton, wool, silk, etc. € use liquid detergents for delicate cotton garments and for all low-temperature wash cycles. Use powder detergent for white cotton garments, for pre-washing, and for washing at temperatures over 60°C !We always recommend a separate wash for running garments and the first time you wash a new coloured item. We recommend using a liquid detergent for the best results when washing dark-coloured garments. We recommend the use of powder detergent Anti Allergy Plus : cycle studied for cotton laundry and other resistant fabrics to guarantee the removal of the main allergens such as pollen, mites, cat and dog hair. Anti Allergy Delicate : cycle studied for cotton laundry and other resistant fabrics to guarantee the removal of pollen and cat and dog hair already at 40°. [. . . ] S použitím jazýčku znázorněného na obrázku potáhněte směrem ven plastové táhlo, aby se uvolnilo z dorazu; současně jej táhněte směrem ven, dokud neuslyšíte „cvaknutí“ poukazující na odblokování dvířek. Rotiţi SELECTORUL DE PROGRAME spre dreapta sau spre stânga pentru a alege programul dorit; numele programului va fi afişat pe display, împreună cu temperatura şi turaţia centrifugei, acestea din urmă putând fi modificate. [. . . ]


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