Bruker manual DAHON ECO 2010

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Mode d'emploi DAHON ECO
Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning DAHON ECO2010

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] The upper rack can be set in high or low position to enable you to organise your dishes effortlessly. Each time you press the button, a beep will sound and indicator lights "E" will light up in sequence: choose the cycle you deem most suited to the type of dishes to be washed (take a look at page 16, where you will find the wash cycle table). [. . . ] Each time you press the button, a beep will sound and indicator lights "E" will light up in sequence: choose the cycle you deem most suited to the type of dishes to be washed (take a look at page 16, where you will find the wash cycle table). If you have set a 12 hour delay, for example, once you have selected the wash cycle, the 12 hour indicator light will flash followed by the others in sequence until the set time delay is up. If you change your mind, you can set a shorter time delay: press button "D" to select it. At any time, when the cycle is under way, if you press button "P", the cycle in progress indicator light will light up for a few seconds. If the water in your area is hard or very hard, we still recommend you pour extra salt into the relevant dispenser to prevent the formation of white streaks on your dishes or on the interior of the appliance. Never let silverware come into contact with other metals: you will thus avoid stains and blackening Apart from making you save time and energy, your dishwasher disinfects your dishes, washing them at a high temperature. ARISTON DISHWASHER - Instructions for installation and use 17 D ISHWASHER Installation Choose where you want to install your dishwasher, you can even place it so that its sides or back panel are side by side with furniture or up against the wall. If the water hoses are new or have been out of use for an extended period of time, let the water run to make sure it is clear and free of impurities before making the connection. When the wash cycle has ended, When you go away for an extended always remember to turn off the period of time, we recommend you water supply tap and to leave the do the following: appliance door ajar. 20 ARISTON DISHWASHER - Instructions for installation and use Stay in touch D ISHWASHER THANK YOU for choosing an Ariston appliance. [. . . ] If the water hoses are new or have been out of use for an extended period of time, let the water run to make sure it is clear and free of impurities before making the connection. When the wash cycle has ended, When you go away for an extended always remember to turn off the period of time, we recommend you water supply tap and to leave the do the following: appliance door ajar. [. . . ]


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