Bruker manual BOSCH HBM56B551B

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Mode d'emploi BOSCH HBM56B551B

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   BOSCH HBM56B551B (3193 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning BOSCH HBM56B551B

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] Set the clock Heat up the oven Clean the accessories Read the safety information at the start of the instructions for use. Set the clock, then your appliance is ready for use. Use the temperature selector to set the temperature to The heating type : 3D hot air and 160 °C are suggested. [. . . ] Setting a later end time You can delay the end time for the ó main oven. This is possible for ■ ■ ■ all types of heating a variety of programmes the cleaning system Setting the cooking time You can set a cooking time for your dish in the ó main oven. Prerequisite: A type of heating and temperature are set for the main oven. Example shown below: Setting for % Top/bottom heating, 180 °C, cooking time of 45 minutes. Use the rotary selector to set a later end time. Set the cooking time using the rotary selector. Using the X button, switch to the [r] cooking time and use the rotary selector to set the cooking time to ‹‹:‹‹. Changing the clock If you wish to change the clock from summer to winter time, for example: 1. Specify the type of heating, temperature and, if required, a Starting the memory You can start cooking at any time using the settings saved for your dish. You can set a time between 24 and 73 hours. You can keep dishes in the cooking compartment hot for this time without having to switch the oven on or off. the cooking time has elapsed The oven stops heating. Setting a later end time It is not possible to set a later end time. Press and hold the ° button for approximately 4 seconds until 3. See Setting a later end time in the Time­setting options section. cleaning system for the ò top oven 1. [. . . ] Main oven Shelf position Type of heating Temperature in °C Time in minutes 2 3 3+1 2 3 3+1 ; /6 :* :* ; /6 :* :* 200-220 210-220 170-180 170-190 200-210 170-180 15-20 10-15 20-25 20-30 15-20 20-25 Food Pizza-Baguette Dish Universal pan Universal pan Shelf position 3 3 Type of heating Temperature in °C 170-190 170-180 Time in minutes 20-30 25-30 ; /6 :* ;*/6* :* ; /6 :* :* ; /6 :* ; /6 :* ; /6 :* ; /6 :* % :* :* ; /6 :* ; /6 :* ; /6 :* ; /6 :* :* :* Pizza , chilled Pizza Universal pan Universal pan Potato products , frozen Chips Universal pan Universal pan Universal pan + baking tray Duchess potatoes Hash browns (fried potatoes) Potato wedges Universal pan Universal pan Universal pan Universal pan Universal pan Universal pan Baked goods , frozen Rolls , baguettes Universal pan Universal pan Baked goods , prebaked Part baked white bread Universal pan Universal pan Universal pan + wire rack Fried foods , frozen Fish fingers Chicken nuggets Universal pan Universal pan Universal pan Universal pan Lasagne , frozen Lasagne , 400 g Lasagne , 1200 g Wire rack Wire rack Wire rack Wire rack Lasagne , chilled Lasagne , 400 g Lasagne , 1200 g * Preheat. Wire rack Wire rack 2 2 180-190 170-180 20-25 30-35 2 2 2 2 180-190 180-190 180-190 180-190 30-35 35-40 45-50 45-50 2 3 3 3 220-240 210-220 200-220 180-190 10-20 15-20 15-25 20-25 3 3 3+1 190-210 180-190 160-180 10-20 15-20 20-25 3 3 180-200 180-190 10-20 10-15 3 3 3+1 3 3 3 3 2 3 190-210 210-220 180-190 190-210 200-210 200-220 200-210 190-200 190-200 20-30 20-25 35-40 20-25 15-20 15-25 15-20 20-25 20-25 1 3 180-200 200-210 10-15 10-15 Special dishes At low temperatures, : 3D hot air is equally useful for producing creamy yoghurt as it is for proving light yeast dough. The defrosting time will depend on the type and quantity of the food. [. . . ]


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