Bruker manual AEG-ELECTROLUX L75480WD

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX L75480WD

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   AEG-ELECTROLUX L75480WD (3680 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning AEG-ELECTROLUX L75480WD

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] Minimum Maximum 0, 5 bar (0, 05 MPa) 8 bar (0, 8 MPa) Cold water 8 kg 6 kg 3 kg 1400 rpm 6 www. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 8 9 10 4 5 11 6 7 1 Worktop 2 Detergent dispenser 3 Control panel 4 Door handle 5 Rating plate 6 Drain pump 7 Feet for the appliance level 8 Water drain hose 9 Water inlet valve 10 Mains cable 11 Transit bolts 12 Feet for the appliance level 12 4. [. . . ] FILLING THE DETERGENT AND ADDITIVES The detergent compartment for the prewash phase, the soak programme and for the stain function. The drain pump can operate for a short time when the appliance fills water. When you activate the appliance again, the display show the end of the last set programme. To have best performances in drying when you wash the laundry set a spin cycle at the maximum speed allowed for your type of items. You can dry your laundry in two ways: ENGLISH 19 With the automatic drying: • press the button 8 again and again until a black line appears under one of the dryness level symbol: Final time value • Press button 4 to start the programme. If you set the time value of only 10 minutes, the appliance performs only a cooling phase. You cannot set all levels for all type of laundry. With the timed drying: • Press the button 7 again and again to set the drying time value (see the «Programme for timed drying» table). the display shows a minimum time value. Set time value • Each time you press this button the time value increases by 5 minutes. [. . . ] Do no not set a drying programme for this laundry: – Very delicate items. 7 Drying cycle duration The drying time can change depending on: • speed of the last spin • dryness level • type of laundry • weight of the load size GENERAL TIPS Refer to the «Drying programmes» table to find the average drying times. [. . . ]


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