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Hvis denne bruksanvisning, instruksjon eller skjema er det du leter etter, så last den ned nå. Lastmanuals gir deg en rask og enkel tilgang til bruksanvisninger for AEG-ELECTROLUX 7320B-Q Vi håper at bruksanvisningen for AEG-ELECTROLUX 7320B-Q er til hjelp for deg.
Lastmanuals hjelper deg og laste ned bruksanvisning AEG-ELECTROLUX 7320B-Q.
Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.
[. . . ] 2 Setting the time
You must set the time before you operate the oven. To change the time, press again and again until the indicator for the Time of Day function flashes. [. . . ] To change the time, press again and again until the indicator for the Time of Day function flashes. To deactivate the appliance, turn the knob for the oven functions and the knob for the temperature to the Off position. 1 Electronic programmer
1 2 3
1 Function indicators 2 Time display 3 Function indicator 4 Button +
hr min
5 Selection button 6 Button -
Clock function Time of day Minute Minder
Application To set, change or check the time of day. You can use Duration and End at the same time to set the time when the appliance must be activated and then deactivated. Press + or - to set the time for the necessary clock function. the display shows the indicator for the clock function you set. You open the door from the right side in some models and from the left side in others. Fare riferimento al capitolo "Informazioni per la sicurezza". Fare riferimento al capitolo "Informazioni per la sicurezza". Fare riferimento al capitolo "Informazioni per la sicurezza". Fare riferimento al capitolo "Informazioni per la sicurezza". Fare riferimento al capitolo "Informazioni per la sicurezza". [. . . ] Fare riferimento al capitolo "Informazioni per la sicurezza". Fare riferimento al capitolo "Informazioni per la sicurezza". [. . . ]
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