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Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.
[. . . ] )
Using an HDMI Cable for an HD connection (up to 1080p, HD digital signals) For the best quality HD picture, we recommend using an HDMI connection. [. . . ] 11n mode and the Encryption type is set to WEP or TKIP on your AP or wireless router, Samsung TVs will not support a connection in compliance with new Wi-Fi certification specifications. Indb 14 2012-04-17 �� 6:17:35
Configuring the Basic Settings in Initial Setup
When you turn the TV on for the first time, a sequence of screens and on-screen prompts will assist you in configuring the TVâs basic settings. You can set up the network connection later using the onscreen Network menu. In 5 - Auto Program (1), you can
only set the current time and date manually, using your remote. ⢠Natural for LED TV / Relax for PDP TV Suitable for reducing eye strain. ⢠Natural for LED TV / Relax for PDP TV Suitable for reducing eye strain. â¢â¢ { Position: Each time you select {, change a position for the e-Manual screen. For example, if you use the Component jacks, labeled Pb, Pr, and Y, to connect your TV and video source, make sure you have connected the blue Pb jack on the video source to the blue Pb jack on the TV, the red Pr jack on the source to the red Pr jack on the TV. [. . . ] For example, if you use the Component jacks, labeled Pb, Pr, and Y, to connect your TV and video source, make sure you have connected the blue Pb jack on the video source to the blue Pb jack on the TV, the red Pr jack on the source to the red Pr jack on the TV. [. . . ]
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