Bruker manual THOMSON ROC4407

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Lastmanuals hjelper deg og laste ned bruksanvisning THOMSON ROC4407.

Mode d'emploi THOMSON ROC4407

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   THOMSON ROC4407 SUBCODES (344 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning THOMSON ROC4407

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] 2012 14:27:16 The configuration menu In the system settings you undertake the following: • Programming the remote control to the devices to be controlled • Settings for the menu language, time of day, date, display contrast, background illumination, volume, lock function as well as system reset. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. [. . . ] Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. To make access easier you can skip directly to specific letters of the alphabet with the number buttons o: 2 => A 3 => D 4 => G 5 => J 6 => M 7 => P 8 => T 9 => W Example for the search of a TV brand code: With button - 11 - A_SFB 10. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. Programming by automatic code search This process can take several minutes per device since all codes for the selected device have to be gone through. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. Now hold down the device button e of the device for which you have just sought the relevent code. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. After which the time display for the time of day will show an “AM” or “PM” before the time. Set with the  or  button t the desired hour and press for confirmation the OK button l. Set with the  or  button t the desired minutes and press for confirmation the OK button l. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. [. . . ] Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. Hold down the S button r for a little longer than 3 seconds. If you have not set any other device as the target for the global volume control, when you press the VOL +/- buttons j on the URC the volume control of the TV set is addressed by default, regardless of which device button e was previously pressed. [. . . ]


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