Bruker manual SILVERCREST SKRI 2000 A1

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   SILVERCREST SKRI 2000 A1 (767 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning SILVERCREST SKRI 2000 A1

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] "Made for iPod" and "Made for iPhone" means that an electronic accessory has been specifically designed for connection to an iPod or iPhone and the developer guarantees that the appliance complies with the performance standards of Apple. –º If you do not intend to use the appliance for an extended period of time, remove the batteries. [. . . ] with the setting "Alarm with iPod/iPhone" the iPod/iPhone will be switched on. Playback starts with the last selected title and is played at the set volume for a maximum of 60 minutes. ™¦ Using the buttons / Up 17 and i / Down 19 , or the / Upbutton 42 and the / Down-button 32 on the remote control, set the desired running time for the kitchen timer. Press the button Timer 8 or the button Timer 37 on the remote control once again to display the remaining time for the kitchen timer for about 10 seconds. 30 seconds before the kitchen timer run time has expired the appliance begins to acoustically indicate, with individual signal tones, the arrival of the set time. the intervals between the individual tones will be ever shorter. When the set time has elapsed, the alarm signal of the kitchen timer sounds as a continuous tone for a maximum of 60 minutes. ™¦ To switch the kitchen timer off before the expiry of the set period, press and hold the the button Timer 8 , or the button Timer 37 on the remote control, the cooking pot symbol and the backwards running until in the display clock are no longer indicated. ™¦ Using the buttons / Up 17 and i / Down 19 , or the / Up- button 42 and the / Down-button 32 on the remote control , set the desired running time for the kitchen timer. Next to the time display a blinking is indicated, next to it appears a number for the first timer. Adjust the antenna, whilst in radio operation, for the best reception. Search for the next station The appliance can automatically search for the nearest station. [. . . ] ™¦ Press and hold the button AOT / Dimmer 10 , or the AOT Dimmer button 46 on the remote control, once again to change the current setting (see also the chapter Switching time controlled display dimming on/off p. 104 SKRI 2000 A1 Storage/Disposal/Appendix Storage / Disposal Storage If you do not intend to use the appliance for an extended period of time, disconnect it from the mains power supply, remove the battery and store it at a clean, dry location that is not subjected to direct sunlight. [. . . ]


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