Bruker manual SILVERCREST SHM 600 A1

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Mode d'emploi SILVERCREST SHM 600 A1

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   SILVERCREST SHM 600 A1 (905 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning SILVERCREST SHM 600 A1

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] Limited liability All technical information, data and instructions for connection and operation contained in this operating manual correspond to the latest available at the time of printing and, to the best of our knowledge, take into account our previous experience and know-how. [. . . ] In the display appears ## for the year, whereby # # stands for a series of digits that will be changed to match the actual time and date. Ensure that the ), scan area between the markings for the scan width ( which are marked on the side of the appliance, is maintained. ™ Proceed slowly with the appliance over the document whilst keeping your hand steady, so as to achieve the best quality for the scanned document. NOTICE ► If you have switched the auto start function off and the removable medium does not appear automatically, go to My Computer (PC) and search for the appliance under "Removable Medium". Importing images from the appliance ♦ Click in the Quick Launch bar on "Open" to take over images from the appliance into a document file. ™ Click on the document folder with the right mouse button and, under "rename", assign a descriptive name for the document folder. [. . . ] – Reinigen Sie die Oberfläche der Scannerlinse mit dem mitgelieferten Reinigungstuch. [. . . ]


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