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   SIEMENS GIGASET SL78H (1357 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning SIEMENS GIGASET SL78H

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[. . . ] Gigaset SL78H / IM2 en / A31008-M2058-R201-4-SM19 / Cover_front. fm / 19. 01. 2011 Congratulations By purchasing a Gigaset, you have chosen a brand that is fully committed to sustainability. This product?s packaging is eco-friendly!To learn more, visit www. gigaset. com. Gigaset SL78H / IM2 en / A31008-M2058-R201-4-SM19 / Cover_front. fm / 19. 01. 2011 Gigaset SL78H / IM2 en / A31008-M2058-R201-4-SM19 / overview. fm / 19. 01. 2011 Brief overview Brief overview 1 2 3 4 5 i V 16 1 2 6 INT 1 Oct 2008 Mo 06 13 20 27 Tu 07 14 21 28 We 01 08 15 22 29 Th 02 09 16 23 30 Fr 03 10 17 24 31 07:15 Sa 04 11 18 25 Su 05 12 19 26 7 8 9 10 Calls Calendar 3 15 14 13 12 11 4 5 12 13 11 10 9 8 6 7 14 15 16 Display in idle status page 14) Battery charge status ( page 17) Display keys ( Message key ( page 32) Access to calls and message lists; flashes: new message or new call End call key, On/Off key End call, cancel function, go back one menu level (press briefly), back to idle status (press and hold), activate/deactivate handset (press and hold in idle status) Hash key Keypad lock on/off (press and hold in idle status); toggles between upper/lower case and digits Call-by-call list key ( page 26) Open call-by-call list Charging socket Microphone Recall key - Consultation call (flash) - Insert a dialling pause (press and hold) Star key Ring tones on/off (press and hold); with an open connection: switch between dial pulsing/touch tone dialling (press briefly); for text input: open a table of special characters Key 1 Dial (network) answering machine (press and hold) Talk key Answer a call: open redial list (press briefly), start dialling (press and hold) Speaker key Switch between earpiece and speaker mode; lights up: speaker activated flashes: incoming call page 16) Control key ( Signal strength ( page 14) Version 4, 16. 09. 2005 1 Gigaset SL78H / IM2 en / A31008-M2058-R201-4-SM19 / overview. fm / 19. 01. 2011 Display symbols Display symbols The following symbols are displayed independently from the settings and the operating status of your phone: Signal strength ( page 14) or ECO mode symbol ( page 34) Bluetooth activated ( page 38) or / (Bluetooth headset/data device) connected Ring tone switched off ( page 43) Keypad lock switched on ( page 19) Battery being charged ( page 14) Battery charge status ( page 14) i 02 ? ?10 09 n 08 V u u u u Number of new messages: in the list of missed appointments ( page 36) in the SMS list (dependent on base) in the list of missed calls ( page 32) on the (network) answering machine ( page 32) INT 1 Oct 2008 Mo 06 13 20 27 Tu 07 14 21 28 We 01 08 15 22 29 Th 02 09 16 23 30 Fr 03 10 17 24 31 13:28 Sa 04 11 18 25 Su 05 12 19 26 17:32 Name of handset Current month and year ( page 14) Alarm clock activated with wake-up time ( page 36) Current time ( page 14) Appointment entered in calendar ( page 34) Current day ( page 14) Calls Calendar Signalling of external call ( page 24) alarm clock ( page 36) Version 4, 16. 09. 2005 ؼ internal call ( page 25) appointment ( page 34) / anniversary ( page 30) 2 Gigaset SL78H / IM2 en / A31008-M2058-R201-4-SM19 / SL78HIVZ. fm / 19. 01. 2011 Contents Contents Brief overview . [. . . ] Open the list by pressing the message key f ( page 32) or via the menu: v Missed Alarms Select appointment/anniversary. Information about the appointment/anniversary is displayed. A missed appointment is displayed with the appointment name and a missed anniversary is displayed with the last name and first name. Delete Delete appointment SMS Write an SMS (depending on base). If 10 entries are already stored in the list, the next appointment reminder will delete the oldest entry. Setting the alarm clock Precondition: The date and time have already been set ( page 12). v Alarm Clock Change multiple line input: Activation: Select On or Off. Time: Enter the wake-up time in 4-digit format. Occurence: Select Daily or Monday-Friday. The symbol and wake-up time are displayed in idle status. A wake-up call with the selected ring tone is signalled on the handset ( page 2). If no key is pressed, the wake-up call is repeated twice at five minute intervals and then turned off. During a call, the wake-up call is only signalled by a short tone. Activating/deactivating the alarm clock and setting the wake-up time Deactivating the wake-up call/ repeating after a pause (snooze mode) Precondition: A wake-up call is sounding. or Snooze Press the display key or any key. The wake-up call is deactivated and then repeated after 5 minutes. After the second repetition the wake-up call is deactivated completely. Version 4, 16. 09. 2005 36 Gigaset SL78H / IM2 en / A31008-M2058-R201-4-SM19 / registr_sett. fm / 19. 01. 2011 Using a handset as a room monitor Using a handset as a room monitor If the room monitor is activated, a previously saved destination number is called as soon as a set noise level is reached. You can save an internal or external number in your handset as the destination number. All of the handset keys are deactivated, with the exception of the display keys. The room monitor call to an external number stops after around 90 seconds. The room monitor call to an internal number (handset) stops after approx. When the room monitor is activated, all keys are locked except the end call key. When the room monitor is activated, incoming calls to the handset are indicated without a ring tone and are only shown on the screen. The display and keypad are not illuminated and advisory tones are also turned off. If you accept an incoming call, the room monitor is suspended for the duration of the call, but the function remains activated. [. . . ] Remove the USB data cable from the telephone. Press and hold keys 4 and L with the index and middle finger. Remove the battery ( page 9). Complete the firmware update as Procedure in the event of an error If the update procedure fails or your phone does not work properly following the update, repeat the update procedure as follows: Close the "Gigaset QuickSync" program on the PC. Remove the USB data cable from the telephone. Replace the battery. [. . . ]


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