Bruker manual SHIMANO BR-6700

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Mode d'emploi SHIMANO BR-6700
Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning SHIMANO BR-6700

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] · Use lock nuts with nylon inserts (self-locking nuts) for nuttype brakes. · For sunken nut type brakes, use sunken nuts of the appropriate length which can be turned six times or more; when re-installing, apply sealant (locking adhesive) to the nut threads. If the nuts become loose and the brakes fall off, they may get caught up in the bicycle and the bicycle may fall over. Particularly if this happens with the front wheel, the bicycle may be thrown forward and serious injury could result. [. . . ] · The required braking distance will be longer during wet weather. Reduce your speed and apply the brakes early and gently. · If the road surface is wet, the tires will skid more easily. If the tires skid, you may fall off the bicycle. To avoid this, reduce your speed and apply the brakes early and gently. · Read these Technical Service Instructions carefully, and keep them in a safe place for later reference. Tape Toe-in 0. 5 mm Installation of the brake lever 1. Installation to the handlebar Move the bracket cover forward, and then securely tightening the mounting nut with a 5 mm Allen key. Bracket cover Then wrap the handlebar with handlebar tape. Note: The BR-6700 allows the angle of contact between the shoe and the rim (toe-in) to be adjusted. Adjusting the toe-in makes it possible to obtain smoother braking operation. Depress about 10 times Note: Cut the cable at the length at which it is not pulled tight when the handlebar is turned all the way to the left and right. 7. Arch spring tension adjustment To increase the spring tension of the arch, hold the end of the spring with pliers and turn the sleeve around to face the other way. 3. Install the name plate. Hollow Tightening torque: 0. 15 - 0. 2 N·m {1. 3 - 1. 8 in. lbs. } Normal tension 1 mm or more To increase the tension 4. Lever stroke adjustment (ST-6700/6703) If you would like to make the lever stroke smaller, install the accessory pad spacer. Check the brake operation while adjusting. 4 mm Allen key Shoe fixing bolt 5 mm Allen key Tightening torque: 5 ­ 7 N·m {43 ­ 61 in. lbs. } The correct way for clamp washer (B) to face is so that the small hollow on the surface is in the top-left corner. Sleeve Tightening torque: 6 ­ 8 N·m {52 ­ 69 in. lbs. } Replacement of the cartridge shoe 3. Cable connection Set the quick release lever to the closed position; then adjust the shoe clearance (as shown in the illustration below) and secure the cable. Cable bolt tightening torque: 6 ­ 8 N·m {52 ­ 69 in. Remove the fixing bolt. 2 mm Allen key Fixing bolt When installing the components to carbon frame/handle bar surfaces, verify with the manufacturer of the carbon frame/parts for their recommendation on tightening torque in order to prevent over tightening that can cause damage to the carbon material and/or under tightening that can cause lack of fixing strength for the components. 2. Installation of the brake cable Loosen the screw and remove the name plate. Pad spacer 4. [. . . ] · Parts are not guaranteed against natural wear or deterioration resulting from normal use. · For maximum performance we highly recommend Shimano lubricants and maintenance products. · For any questions regarding methods of handling or maintenance, please contact the place of purchase. Compress the arch, and set while the shoe is in firm contact with the rim. Tightening torque: 8 ­ 10 N·m {69 ­ 87 in. lbs. } 5 mm Allen key 1 A=B Shoe holder Front Shoe Front Shoe Shoe holder Closed Quick release lever A + B = 3 -- 4 mm FORWARD FORWARD 2 Cable hook 5. [. . . ]


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