Bruker manual SANUS VMPR1

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Mode d'emploi SANUS VMPR1

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Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning SANUS VMPR1

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] If the Delay Timer function has been set, the time left until the programme starts will be indicated (see page 41). [. . . ] If the Delay Timer function has been set, the time left until the programme starts will be indicated (see page 41). 43), once you have started the programme, the LED corresponding to the delay set will begin to flash: Cycle phase under way: During the wash cycle, the LEDs gradually illuminate on to indicate the cycle phase under way: Prewash Wash Rinse Spin cycle Note: during draining, the LED corresponding to the Spin cycle phase will be turned on. 41 Precautions Care Troubleshooting As time passes, the remaining delay will be displayed, and the corresponding LED will flash: Service Once the set delay is complete, the flashing LED will turn off and the programme set will start. Traditional bleach should be used on sturdy white fabrics, and delicate bleach for coloured fabrics, synthetics and for wool. Remove the plinth at the bottom on the front side of the washing machine by pulling from the side with your hands (see diagram); (see figure); 2. • When the machine is installed, the locking screws for the oscillating assembly are still in place. [. . . ] Remove the plinth at the bottom on the front side of the washing machine by pulling from the side with your hands (see diagram); (see figure); 2. [. . . ]


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