Bruker manual SANUS VF2012

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Mode d'emploi SANUS VF2012

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Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning SANUS VF2012

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] the flow of air must not be less than 2 m3/h per kW of installed power. [. . . ] the flow of air must not be less than 2 m3/h per kW of installed power. The air circulation system may take air directly from the outside by means of a pipe with an inner cross section of at least 100 cm2; A the opening must not be vulnerable to any type of Examples of ventilation holes for comburant air. Connect the appliance to the gas mains or cylinder in accordance with the applicable Norms (NBN D04-002) only after checking that the appliance has been adapted for the type of supply gas used. • The appliance was designed for domestic use inside the home and is not intended for commercial or industrial use. Items, objects made of synthetic material, sugar or foods with a high sugar content that have melted onto the surface must be removed immediatley with a scraper while the cooking surface is still hot. • Stainless steel can be marked by hard water that has been left on the surface for a long time, or by aggressive detergents containing phosphorus. [. . . ] Items, objects made of synthetic material, sugar or foods with a high sugar content that have melted onto the surface must be removed immediatley with a scraper while the cooking surface is still hot. [. . . ]


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