Bruker manual SANUS ELM701

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Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning SANUS ELM701

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[. . . ] Setting the oven In this section, you will find out how to set a type of heating and temperature for the ò top oven. for the ó main oven: ■ ■ ■ ■ Main oven ó Press the % button to switch on the main oven. The <symbol for the 3D hot air heating type and 160 °C appear as a suggestion in the display. How to turn it on which types of heating are available how to set a type of heating and temperature how to set rapid heating. [. . . ] Use the function selector to set the type of heating. If you would like to set a different type of heating and temperature, proceed as follows: 2. Turn the rotary selector to set the desired type of heating. The type of heating and temperature or grill setting can be changed at any time with their respective selector. Setting a later end time See Setting a later end time in the Time­setting options section. Setting rapid heating You can set rapid heating for the ó main oven with the following types of heating: 5. – ■ ■ < = 3D hot air % = Top/bottom heating 6 = Pizza setting A brief audible signal indicates that the type of heating selected is not suitable for rapid heating. Cancelling operation Press and hold the n button until the < symbol for 3D hot air and 160 °C are displayed. If a cooking time has been set, this counts down after the appliance is started, regardless of whether rapid heating has been set. U = Sets the timer 0 = Sets the clock U = Sets the timer r = Sets the cooking time p = Sets a later end time A detailed description of how to adjust each individual function is provided below. You can use it as a kitchen timer and set it at any time, regardless of whether oven is switched on or off. Unlatch the other side in the same way and remove the & with the front side facing downwards (see section:Removing and fitting the oven door). Within the next 2 minutes, press and hold the D button for 4 seconds until the square disappears from the display. For longer cooking times, you can switch the oven off 10 minutes before the end of the cooking time and use the residual heat to finish cooking. For some dishes, it is not possible to set a later end time. For rolled roasting joints, set the total weight. Cancelling the programme Press and hold nbutton until the <symbol for 3D hot air and 160 °C appear. Setting a later end time See the section entitled Time-setting options - Setting a later end time. Tested for you in our cooking studio Here you will find a selection of dishes and the ideal settings for them. We will show you which type of heating and which temperature are best suited for your dish. 24 The tables show numerous suggestions for your dishes. Tables The tables show the ideal type of heating for the various cakes and pastries. [. . . ] Use less fluid next time or set the oven temperature 10 degrees lower. Use slightly less fluid next time and bake for slightly longer at a lower temperature. Time With chicken Wire rack + universal pan with wire insert 4+1 : 180 Food Dish Shelf position Type of heating Temperature in °C Beef Top side, top rump Lamb Leg Rack of lamb Pork Roast joint Loin joint Belly Poultry Chicken Chicken, portion (200-250 g each) Chicken, quarter (450 g each) Duck Grilling When grilling, preheat the oven for approx. Food Beef Steaks 2-3 cm thick Burgers 1-2 cm thick Lamb Steaks 2-3 cm thick Chops 2-3 cm thick * Preheat for 3 minutes ** Turn frequently Wire rack + universal pan Wire rack + universal pan 2+ 1 2+ 1 Wire rack + universal pan Wire rack + universal pan 2+ 1 2+ 1 Dish Shelf position Type of heating Grill setting Time in minutes (* ( 3 3 1st side 10-13, 2nd side 6-8 1st side 10-12, 2nd side 6-8 (* (* 3 3 1st side 6-8, 2nd side 4-6 1st side 7-9, 2nd side 5-8 29 Food Pork Steaks 1-2 cm thick Chops 2-3 cm thick Burgers 1-2 cm thick Sausages 2-4 cm thick Chicken Drumsticks 150 g each Breast (boneless) 150 g each Fish Whole trout 300 g each Fillets 150 g each * Preheat for 3 minutes ** Turn frequently Dish Shelf position Type of heating Grill setting Time in minutes Wire rack + universal pan Wire rack + universal pan Wire rack + universal pan Wire rack + universal pan 2+ 1 2+ 1 2+ 1 2+ 1 (* (* ( ( 3 3 3 3 1st side 9-12, 2nd side 6-8 1st side 10-13, 2nd side 8-12 1st side 10-12, 2nd side 6-8 14 ­ -18** Wire rack + universal pan Wire rack + universal pan 2+ 1 2+ 1 ( ( 2 2 1st side 16-20, 2nd side 12-15 1st side 13-15, 2nd side 8-10 Wire rack + universal pan Wire rack + universal pan 2+ 1 2+ 1 ( ( 1 1 25-30 15-20 Tips for roasting and grilling The table does not contain information for the weight of the joint. [. . . ]


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