Bruker manual SANUS ELM410

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Mode d'emploi SANUS ELM410
Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning SANUS ELM410

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] The flow of air needed for combustion must not be less than 2 m3/h per kW of installed power. the air circulation system may take air directly from the outside by means of a pipe with an inner cross section of at least 100 cm2; the opening must not be able to be accidentally blocked. For those appliances not equipped with a safety device for accidental flame loss, the ventilation apertures must be increased by 100%, with the minimum being 200cm2 (Fig. [. . . ] Converting the Cooker for Use with Different Types of Gas In order to convert the cooker to a different type of gas with respect to the gas for which it was manufactured (indicated on the label attached to the lid), follow these steps: a) Replace the burner nozzles on the hob: • Remove the grids and slide the burners from their housings; • Unscrew the nozzles using a 7 mm socket spanner, and replace them with nozzles for the new type of gas (see table 1 “Burner and nozzle characteristics”). - - - 23 Cooker with the New "7 cuochi" Oven H C A A E B D E B D K K G G F S P F L M Q N A B E D K S P Q L M N G F 24 A B C D E F G H Tray for Catching Overflows Gas Burners Electronic Lighting Device Top Grate Control Panel Adjustable Feet or Legs Dripping Pan or Baking Sheet Flame Failure Device for Cooktop Burners K L M N P Q S Oven Racks Selector Knob Thermostat Knob Control Knobs for Gas Burners on Hob Thermostat Light The electronic cooking programmer Green Light How To Use Your Appliance The various features of cooker are controlled through the knobs and buttons located on the control panel Control Knobs for the Gas Burners on the Hob (N) The position of the gas burner controlled by each one of the knobs is shown by a solid ring . To light one of the burners, hold a lighted match or lighter near the burner and, at the same time, press down and turn the corresponding knob counter clockwise to the maximum setting. each burner can be operated at its maximum , minimum or intermediate power. Shown on the knob are the different symbols for off (the knob is on this setting when the symbol corresponds with the reference mark on the control panel), for maximum and minimum . To ensure that the double-flame burner is used to its full potential, never set the inside ring to minimum and the outside ring to maximum at the same time. It nonetheless remains the best system for baking cakes as well as fruit and cooking using covered casserole dishes for oven baking. The display will read as follows: A After the button has been released, the current time will be displayed again after approximately 4 seconds, along with the symbol and the letter "A" (AUTO); After the time has expired, an acoustical signal will be emitted, which can be turned off by pressing any of the buttons (except the and also turn off. Press the button and then use the and buttons to set the time for when the cooking program should end. A • 28 Practical Cooking Advice The oven offers a wide range of alternatives which allow you to cook any type of food in the best possible way. With time you will learn to make the best use of this versatile cooking appliance and the following directions are only a guideline which may be varied according to your own personal experience. €¢ When cooking foodstuffs that require differing times and temperatures, set a temperature that is somewhere between the two temperatures required, place the more delicate food on the 4th rack from the bottom and take the food requiring less time out of the oven first. €¢ Use the dripping pan on the lower rack and the grid on the upper; Using the “Fast Cooking” Mode Functional, fast and practical for those of you who use pre-packed products (such as for example: frozen or precooked food) along with other food items. Moreover, it can also be used for browning foods at the end of the cooking process, such as adding that gratin finish to pasta bakes, for example. [. . . ] €¢ Use the dripping pan on the lower rack and the grid on the upper; Using the “Fast Cooking” Mode Functional, fast and practical for those of you who use pre-packed products (such as for example: frozen or precooked food) along with other food items. Moreover, it can also be used for browning foods at the end of the cooking process, such as adding that gratin finish to pasta bakes, for example. For best results when cooking pizza, use setting w for “ Pizza Mode”: • Preheat the oven for at least 10 minutes • Use a light aluminium pizza pan, placing it on the rack supplied with the oven. [. . . ]


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