Bruker manual SAMSUNG RF4267HARS

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Mode d'emploi SAMSUNG RF4267HARS

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   SAMSUNG RF4267HARS (24463 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning SAMSUNG RF4267HARS

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory, or mental capabilities, or those who lack experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning the use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. - Any changes or modifications performed by a 3rd party on this finished appliance are not covered under Samsung warranty service, nor can Samsung be responsible for safety issues that result from 3rd party modifications. € If you have a long vacation planned or the refrigerator is not to be used for a long period of time, you must empty the refrigerator and pull out the power plug. [. . . ] This button serves two purposes: 1) To turn the door open alarm on and off If the door alarm is set to On, an alarm beeps if any refrigerator door is left open for more than three minutes. ( 5 ) Fridge (Hold 3 sec for Power Cool) ( 2 ) Freezer (Hold 3 sec for Power Freeze) Touch this button to set the fridge to your desired temperature. you can set the temperature between 34°F and 46°F (or between 7°C and 1°C). Touch and hold this button for 3 seconds to decrease the time needed to cool products in the Refrigerator. Touch and hold this button for 3 seconds to switch the temperature units between °C and °F Cooling Off mode (also called Shop mode), is designed for use by retailers when they are displaying refrigerators on the shop floor. in Cooling Off mode , the refrigerator's fan motor and lights work normally , but the compressors do not run , and the refrigerator and freezer do not get cold. To start Cooling Off mode, touch and hold the Energy Saver button and the Power Freeze button for 5 seconds during normal operation. the refrigerator chime sounds and the temperature display flashes OF OF. To cancel Cooling Off mode, touch and hold the Energy Saver and the Power Freeze buttons again for 5 seconds. If the ice maker function is ON, and the water Line is not connected, there will be a water valve noise from the back of the unit, press the Ice Off (Hold 3sec for child lock) button for less than 3 seconds until the Indicator ( ) illuminates. designed to work ONLY WITH SAMSUNG Water Filter. The Filter light turns red to let you know when it is time to change your water filter cartridge. To give you time to get a new filter, the red light comes on just before the capacity of the current filter runs out. Touch the "Alarm/hold 3 sec for Filter Reset" button ( (Filter Reset) ) for about 3 seconds to reset the ) changes water filter. [. . . ] (Samsung) and delivered new, in the original carton to the original consumer purchaser, is warranted by Samsung against manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for a limited warranty period of: One (1) year Parts and Labor on Refrigerator Five (5) years Parts and Labor on sealed Refrigeration system only* (*Compressor, evaporator, condenser, drier, connecting tubing) This limited warranty begins on the original date of purchase, and is valid only on products purchased and used in the United States. Vérifiez la date limite de consommation et conservez dans le récipient d'origine refermé. Décongelez dans le réfrigérateur ou vérifiez la date limite de consommation. [. . . ]


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